Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 12, 1959, p. 3 (2024)

quality service stiver bros at your service for furnace oil ba solar heat space heater oil stove oil and coal oil phone 45wl 94508 evenings 45w2 for prompt service stop the truck with the big sign stiver bros stouffville a canadian tv first ckvrtv will be showing the first rko movies released for canadian television starting wednesday mar 18 1130 pm with u king kong other rko movies to be seen wednesdays adventure girl the age of consent bodyguard bad company fugitives for a night two alone zombies on broadway a dangerous profession three sons channel 3 3s3mkcsx3ss3kc3ss3 l3qosq2zqszisqs4szs otice members of the stouffville and district concert association next concert monday march 16th at 830 pm margaret and harry heap duopianc team agtaaaotwoaaaapaagc the new 1959 inglis automatic dryer only 19900 your terms with three heats toronto prices stouffville service see his and many other models at hendricks hardware stouffville phone 600 atmitage lady treats wi work just as a holiday the stoufryiui tmrjne tinrsday mm 12 1959 pagt 3 local and personal happenings when mrs elton armstrong address at the womens world savs i get more from these dav of praver service in a rural on thursday evening at 30 i miss loma wideraan is at classes than i give the groups area the lions bantam hockey team present resting at the gormley taking her course on aids to mrs armstrong describes will meet marmora here in the rest home effective speaking are visibly i herself as a hardworking farm second game of the ontario j dubious for students note- j wife and looks upon her exten- semifinals marmora won the books were bulging and they sion courses as a sort of holi- opener 65 on saturday night faced mental indigestion follow- day she enjoys particularly j tag her fact packed lecture meeting the wi members in all choose now the courses sponsored by j parts of the province and says from our wonderful selection of various womens institute bran- j each course is different easter cards ches cover speeches of presen- her husband encourages her religious family and childrens tation introduction and appre- in this wi work she explains cards ciatlon as well as toasts and the that he was active in municipal i houstons preparation of an address it i affairs for a number of years the rexall drug store also dealt with the duties of a f and now its my turn her chairman and touched on pro- family including twins is grown a number from stouffville stouffville child health clinic will be held friday march 13 from i30 to 3 pm in the york county health building main st free immunization i mr chas livingstone for- mer employee at the bank of commerce here and now a 1 resident of elliot lake was a visitor in town on friday friends will be sorry to hear mrs conner is not very well and has been confined to the house for a few weeks now gram plannin stressing the importance of her subject mrs armstrong herself a forceful and effective speaker says we all wish to be able to speak well it is the most valuable asset we possess mrs armstrong is from armi- tage a hamlet on the west fringe of whitchurch twp and her husband is a former reeve of king twp apart from the basic rules she explained that the speakers personality had a great deal to do with her success and added that originality of expression makes any speech sparkle she mentioned teenagers who have a language all their own and made a plea for a return to pure english she spoke of the value of reading aloud and said mothers should encourage their children to read aloud at home every day a teacher could tell the children who were doing this she said among the reference books she advised for public speakers her preference was for so to speak by elizabeth ferguson von hesse her vast experience as a pub lic speaker and training as a school teacher has prepared mrs armstrong to give the ex tension courses for the ontario dept of agriculture with mrs r g pureell a former fwio president she wrote the four courses offered under womens institute procedures she has been lecturing on a parttime basis for the department since 1954 she is a veteran wi worker having held many offices a past president of newmarket branch and of her district mrs arm strong is now chairman of cen tral area wis she is also resolutions convener in her branch which has honored her years of service with a life membership for a number of years she was chairman of the discussion groups at the annual wi offi cers conference held at ont agricultural college next week she will be in guelph at the farm accident survey confer ence participating in a panel discussion on safety in the farm home with her on the panel are mrs p y mccand- less provincial public relations officer for the wi and miss grace hamilton of the ontario department of agriculture she is a member of the board of the ontario division of the canadian mental health asso ciation of the united church in her home village of armitage included on her full schedule notice e a grubin ro cptomet rist will be at his office in stou ffville on monday and tuesday march 16th and 17th phones s6j2 and 25j1 mr a c byers 10th cone j south of stouffville plans to leave by air for arizona on i march 17th he will return by j car accompanied by dr and i mrs erbs of toronto mr earl pilkey of claremont is the new barber in the dixon building west of the cnr tracks mrs gordon holden had a and she has four grandchildren were guests on friday evening she was born in the orkney isl- of the beamish construction p ands coming to canada as a co at a special entertainment fall on her way downstairs this young girl in 1914 i and luncheon at the cedar brae past week and broke her ankle i golf and country club south j a new police salary schedule of markham municipal guests i mrs will birkett is now able for markham village has been attending were reeve and mrs j to get out a little and enjoyed a little visit with some of her neighbours the stouffville wi will hold their regular meeting thursdav march 19 at 215 pm in christ church hall program convener i mrs w smith roll call a helpful passage of scripture all ladies welcome friends of mr joe sider will be sorry to hear that he was taken to toronto general hos pital last tuesday it is expect ed that he will remain in hos pital for a few weeks established police chief fred gar lehman deputyreeve and white will receive 5100 and mrs ken wagg councillors and patrol sgt chester gillian will receive 4800 a third officer has been added to the force pc darrell deevvar will re ceive an annual salary of 4200 residents of markham town ship west can now purchase their copy of the tribune each week at three locations mil- sleds store gormley willows j county as wellas county offi their wives norman oboyle wm parsons and ken laush- way also clerk ralph corner and mrs corner assistant chas jackson and miss carol hoover police chief edwards and mrs edwards and mr and mrs c nolan more than two hundred attended representing the ma jority of municipalities in york store victoria square and arnolds market don mills rd and no 7 high school news a four point margin prevent ed the stouffville midget team from claiming the north york basketball championship this rials wedding cole saunders goodwood united church was nicely decorated with a church flower arrangement on satur day february 21st for the wed- ding at 3 oclock of gwendolene ks lf saunders daughter of mrs c homeandhome series was 40 36 in favour of richmond hill the first game of the series played last tuesday at stouff ville ended with richmond hill 8 points ahead of stouffville the score being 2315 the sec ond actionpacked game was at richmond hill on thursday stouffville won this game but unfortunately by only a four point margin this put rich mond hill four points ahead in the total score and made them north york champions mike paul scored a total of 19 points m bandy of goodwood and james r cole son of mrs wm risebrough and the late mr h a cole of dicksons hill rev d davis of stouffville united church performed the ceremony and was assisted by the student minister mr woods the bride given in marriage by her uncle mr fred sanders was gowned in a floor length white dress of nylon net and lace over satin with long sleeves and high neckline she carried bouquet of red roses and mrs l sanderson and mrs a burgin attended the ontario grand offices oes dinner in the new canada room at the royal york hotel mr and mrs ken petty miss alice percy and mr john ham ilton had dinner on sunday with mr and mrs gordon wagg and girls deadline classified advertising cannot be accepted later than 10 am wednesday owing to advance press deadline wa meeting march 16 the wa of the united church will meet on monday march 16 1 at 8 pm sirs mccreights group i will give the devotional mrs purvis will beshowing two films on the womans service work of the cancer society of can ada the women of the com- j munity are especially invited to j see these films the meeting is being held in the sunday school room of the united church mr l e oneill met with an unfortunate collision on friday evening while enroute to tor onto to attend a meeting of the ontario hockey association ex ecutive of which he is a direc tor mr oneills car was struck by a truck resulting in some thiee hundred dollars damage mr oneill was alone in the car at the time while consider able material damage resulted blankets send your old woollen or cotton rags for new blankets rugs etc with mrs e j stickley phone gormley 5507 have rags and money at my place by march 31st in the championship games wh carnations mr kenneth glen jackson scored 10 flayers and number of points each scored this year were mike paul so brian wilkes 69 glen jackson 51 warren hendricks 23 barry mclean 19 larry spang 15 roy par- rault 4 jim miller 1 lloyd gayman and allan anderson last thursday the semifinals in the hydro public epeaking contest were held in stouffville caroline ogilvy speaking on the doctor and electricity was second in the contest the date for this years may prom has been set for may 8th bobby gimbys orchestra has been engaged for the occasion the eye is so precise in its workings that it can distinguish points one ten thousandth of an inch apart or follow a baseball approaching at 100 miles an hour it has a movable shield the eyelash wiping mechan ism upper eyelid and cleans- of speeches this spring is the ing agent tears cold storage lockers available 800 to 1200 per year or by the month stouffville creamery phone 186 new loo let us restore the original beauty to the interior of your car by our modern shampooing process ah worn materials repaired or replaced if re quested satisfaction guaranteed fast service moderate prices free estimates bournehunter motors ltd phone stouffville 568 pilkey of stouffville was best man while donald harper act ed as usher the bridesmaid miss june jefferson of good wood wore a ballerina length dress of red velvet with three quarter length sleeves and a scoop neckline her bouquet was white chrysanthemums the organist was miss carolyn bunker of goodwood at the reception which was held at the home of the groom the brides mother received in a gown of navy blue with blue accessories she was assisted by the bridegrooms mother in royal blue trimmed with white the brides travelling costume was a box style mint green suit with black and white ac cessories upon their return from a short honeymoon trip mr and mrs cole will make their home in ringwood ont births devine audrey and don nee jennings are happy to announce the arrival of a baby boy on march 4 1959 at the soldiers memorial hos pital orillia ont a brother for donna lou manley tom and doreen manley nee epworth are happy to announce the arri val of a daughter rosemary ann 6 lbs 13 oz at humber memorial hospital weston on sunday march 8 1959 a sister for mike and john elliott george and ger trude elliott are happy to anmsjnce the arrival of brian kent 7 lbs 12 oz at the cottage hospital uxbridge february 25 1959 fretz mr and mrs nor man fretz are pleased to an nounce the arrival of their son graham howard march 7 1959 at the brierbush hos pital stouffville a brother for norma and gayle ao palermo bros world famous italian musicians are coming to town hall uxbridge thurs march 19th 1959 quiet music preceded the op ening of the march meeting of the united church missionary society mrs crouch presided an invitation to unionville eas ter meeting april 9 at 230 was received and accepted our eas ter service is to be held april 2 with mrs price of toronto as guest speaker mrs crouch re ported 74 present at the world day of prayer and 2695 sent to headquarters mrs d davis dedicated the offering mrs atkinson announced a quilting in the church march 12 mrs d holden presided for the program which opened with music by mrs l forsythe and mrs e nigh who provided two duets which were very much enjoyed miss mullen in charge of the devotional used as her scrip ture luke 24 12 13 and her topic the road to emmaus she spoke of building many roads robert louis stevenson went to samoa and the people loved him so much they wanted to do something nice for him and so they built a road through the jungle from their homes to his and called it the road of a loving heart she said there are many roads we build 1st a friendly road myriads of paths chil dren build roads in imagination to those they love lets make sure the roads we build dont get choked up with weeds and rubbish second a road to strangers she cited the missionaries vvho are building roads and our or ganization helps by sending i bales and supporting them i christ was a master builder of i uuop 13110 1 6dm u roads thief on the cross woman of samaria blind final cnnfprt nptfi and many others lal l ncc engagements mr and mrs edgar smalley of sandford announce the en gagement of their daughter ma rion isabel to mr robert ed ward barry son of mr and mrs james barry of stouffville the marriage will take place on saturday april 11 1959 at 230 pm in sandford united church mr and mrs roy wilson of claremont announce the en gagement of their eldest daugh ter lois uene to mr william graham dallas son of mr and mrs joseph dallas coleralne n ireland the wedding will take place on march 21st 1959 at 3 oclock in the united mis sionary church stouffville mr and mrs wilmot stover stouffville wish to announce the engagement of their daugh ter catherine anne to mr we- myss keith sutherland son of mr and mrs wemyss suther land oshawa the wedding will take place in the stouffville united church on monday march 30 1959 at 300 pm stouffville ltons club voted on monday evening to assist the town with the project of house numbering should the munici pality choose to proceed the help of the service club would reduce the cost to the residents by a considerable amount lion ralph corner explained to the meeting lion ralph is chair man of the community better ment committee s pm ah proceeds fo uxbridge cottage hospital sponsored by uxbridge youlh for christ man third the road of shadows we all pass this road whether we like it or not christ walked this road to calvary he had many decisions to make we need to take a long look at the cross as we approach easter fourth the road to emmaus shining road to everlasting life if our road had ended at cal vary what a difference but it led to a garden and an empty tomb and the risen christ by dying we awaken to eternal life she closed her remarks with prayer and the hymn oh mas ter let me walk with thee mrs a king reviewed chapter 7 the final concert for this year of the stouffville and dis trlct concert association will be held on monday evening march 16th in the high school auditorium and will present a duopiano team margaret and harry heap are a brother and sister team they were born in winnipeg and made an impression with their musical talent at an early age they had a successful con cert at eaton auditorium in 3952 which brought them im mediately into concert work included in their large reper toire are three canadian works walter kaufmanns rhythmic the caribbean area of our j and sophisticated arabesques study book mrs d holden closed with prayer mrs hast ings read excerpts from a letter received from mrs maxwell loveys on her experiences in jamaica they say columbus discovered jamaica in 1494 and visited it again in 1505 mrs forgie thanked all who participated and the meeting closed with the mizpah bene diction suite full of lyrical charm by david murray and the gi gantic rarely played varia tions and epilogue on an orig inal theme bv healy wlllan when the cbc decided to create a new programme for afternoon listening the heaps were chosen to present the mus ical portion trans canada ma tinee listeners heard them dal ly for seven weeks it may not have looked much like spring yet but it is coming and one of the early harbingers has arrived back in stouffville the song sparrows reports have been received from sev eral people this week of bear ing these cheery fellows c h nolan publisher was i in toronto on wednesday at- j tending a meeting with mr donald gordon chairman and president of the canadian na- tional railways at which the press was asked to discuss rail- way operations in this and other parts of the metro area i mr neil brown 9th cone south of town suffered a badly sprained ankle last week while competing in an exhibition bas ketball game at richmond hill last week he may be away from work for at least 2 weeks mr and mrs t buckley ar rived home this week after a holiday spent with their daugh ter ami family mr and mrs c gibson at rivers manitoba stouffville phone stouffville 91 doo op n at 645 friday saturday the funniest thing that ever happened on the screen svysi march 13 14 r too shyl ra the 84 lengeit r a riot ol mirth loadeit im laugh ol monday tuesday march 16 17 fhowarnbrbroawriumbrbausjaltez tprhnirnlnr ft ecnmcoior wednesday thursday the most explosive motion picture in 25 years march 18 19 i



Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 12, 1959, p. 3 (2024)


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