The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

4 SPRINGFIELD UNION: SATURDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 28. 1911. 47 A 0 at 1. If you are out of work, The Union Want Ads Several hundred men and women call at The Take down that spotted placard and secure a Situations them ought to over be of carefully.

material assistance to you. Read Help Wanted If Union you daily need and help look -Advertise. over the Help Wanted Ads. To Let Union tenant or classified roomer in the advertisem*nt. modern way--through Situations Wanted--Men.

Help Wanted -Men. Wanted--Agents. Wanted- Miscellaneous. To -Lodgings. To Let- -North End.

To Let On the Hill. WANTED--Young man. hustler, who can -Backtender, jewelry salesman. WANTED--Agents, capitol is the name of WANTED -Men's and ladies' garments to TO LET -Light housekeeping rooms TO LET-0-room tonemeut. 109 Carew st.

TO LET--Desirable modern lower teneproduce results, would like position with First-class casemaker. stockcutter. the best brushes made, buy a Capitol, and press: open day and night. newly furnished, all inodern, reasonable. Inquire 250 Main st.

(9054) ment, $17. 45 Malden st. Apply 333 Lastlocal mfg. firm; bookkeeper, typist, ad- First-class fireman, blacksmith. farmhands.

they are washable and sanitary. J. S. Hartman, 199 Main st. 'Tel.

5008. (0556) I'hone 0257-1. 108 William st. (9473) ern upper bell. (0471) writer.

correspoudent; references; moder- Wagon maker, hoisting engineer. Griffin. state agent, Call 31 Greenwood TO of 5 rooms, $14 29 ate. Box 376. Union Office.

(9173) Man on fulling mills; tinsmith. st. 2 and 8 p. (0055) WANTED--Carpenters' and machinists' TO LET-Furnished rooms with board if Massasoit st. (1678) TO LET apartment.

47. ThompPipers and union men. tools. Money loaned. 38-40 Dwight st.

desired. 275 Chestnut st. (9435) son excellent location. Tel. 8t.

WANTED -Light. profitable work to (9174) do Polisher on brass work, truckmen. WANTED- agents to sell my Im- 1407) TO LET- Lower. 7-room, modern tene- (9494) at hoine. Box 377, Union Office.

Man on woodwork (house finishing). proved. patented tool holder, a good TO LET--Nice pleasant furnished room ment H. Pannier, 16 Douglas sr. (8323) old, calendar men.

teamster. seller, machluists preferred. Box 481. WANTED--To buy all kinds of secondhand adjoining bath, private family. 116 West- TO LET--Cottage, 50 Terrence st.

Keys WANTED--Young man, 33 ears 18 LEWIS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Union Odice. (9128) furniture, pay highest cash prices, see minster st. (9422) LET--Cottage of 6 rooms. 198 Massa- at 49 Terrence st.

(9103) would like a position whefe with manufac- 318 Main Springtield. Tell 3277-1. us before disposing. Pallot Furniture suit st. Inquire 5 Federal st.

(9320) there chance for adraucement hat- I. Smith Holyoke. l'el. 2160. WANTED -Agents on salary or commis- 152-154 West Bridge st.

Tel. 6016. (7895) TO LET--Furnished room for light house- TO LET-4-room, lower tenement, suitable turning firm. years' experleuce clerk. (9475) sion: the greatest agents' seller ever pro- keeping.

20Mattoon st. 70112) TO 13 Ring- for two. 41 Greene st. (9201 dliug IDen, and years as oflice duced; every user of pen and ink buys WANTED--Maternity cases in home before gold or S-room tenement. Box 116.

Highland Station, (9102) Apply Free Em- it on sight; 200 to 500 per cent. profit: and during confinement, correspondence TO LET Large furnished room, steam st. 19149) TO 4 LET-103 Eastern upper tenement, Box 363, Union Office. WANTED Salesmen for our electric ad- (9400) store fixtures or any other kind; we also TO LET -Heated front room. 50 Broad TO drive or any kind of work.

(6674) Monroe days; Mfg. Co. another $32 118 La Crosse, hours. Wis. buy all kinds of secon lband modern, 45 Thomas st.

(9411) WANTED -By a young may, 20 years, ployment Office, 24 Bridge st. Tel. 255. I six one agent's sales amounted in two to $620 in heat, gus. 10, (9462) TO LET-2 tenements.

5 rooms each, all adults. (0187) conf 'ential. Box 44, Union Office. (6547) Suite Main American family of TO LET -Flat at 29 Auburn, modern. lu- Inquire LET-0-room Mrs.

Carellas, tenement, 400 40 Stebbins st. gooG education, vertising sidewalk flasber in Springfield; buy secondhand cash tools prices. of any Pallot description; Furniture st. (0447) quire 30 Longfellow ter. Tel.

3735-1. Worthington. quick, WANTED--Stenographer. accurate, rood salesman and special representative who Office. can appoint (9335) WANTED article, Agents, gets into send for every free home sample and 152-154 West Bridge st.

Tel. 6046. LET--Pleasant furnished room on the (9173) pay highest (9153) knowledge of adrertising, will be desires appreciated, open- sells at sight; big profits. A. lI.

(7612) Hill. Tel. 5109-4. (9444) TO LET-40 Allendare 5-room upper TO LET-TO adults, upper tenements, agouts, lox 897, Union ing references. ability Box 338, Union Or- WANTED -Salesman in each county for Richardson, I'.

0. Box 2026, Boston, tenement, al! modern. (6940) modern. 5 rooms, $16; and 3 rooms, $9. best of (S873) highest grade garden And farm seeds; Mass.

(91051 To Let- Table Board. TO LET-2 furnished connecting rooms, 3.5 (Quincy st. Tel. 710-4. (9160) fire.

for light housekeeping, in business secexperienced permanent situations. good pay; Cobb earnest- WANTED-Ageuts. steady employment and tion of city. Tel. (9277) all newly decorated, 8 furuace beut.

A. I1. TO LET--House; nice location, rooms TO LET-20 P'atton rooms and bath, WANTED -Situation by bright a position ness, not experience; necessary. (8841) good pay for three months to a few ro- TO LET WANTED Terrace Goetting. 209 Bridge st.

(8893) and bath, furnace heat. $15 month. 27 young man of high clerk with character, reliable local Frankim, Mass. men. Write at once for particulars.

View, Opera block, Westfield. TO -Rooms, steam heat, second floor, Bevier off Armory st. (9103) AS bookeeper or Or- James C. Brien, 53 Bainbridge Rox- (9449) 312 Main st. Inquire Room 14.

19275) firm; good references. Dox 307, Union (9113) WANTED--Young men for chauffeurs nod bury, Mass. (9401) TO beat, $16. LET--Modern 0-room tenement, (9157) except TO LET--In P'uritan block, 27-29 Wilbratfice. repair inen; start on our new instructions, TO LET--Excellent home for 2 little girls, 39 Douglas st.

ham road, -room heated apartWANTED--CHAUFFEUR WANTS OR POSI- CONI- teed; special price and terms liceuse until Nov. or WANTED commission. -Agents, Call male 12-2 or female, and G-8 salary p. To Let -Lodgings. oll: references.

Address Box 384, Union years TO 102 LET-4-room Washburn st. tenement, all wodern. (9119) block, or Moses Ebrlich Coal janitor 310 in drive the first dar: curran- best of board and care. from 5 to 8 ments. all modern.

Inquire TION ON PUBLIC. PRIVATE IN GARAGE, Goodale Dodge, 90 Suffolk lol- Richelieu court, first street off oRico (0242) Dotu st. (014S) MERCIAL VEHICLE OR roke. Mass. 2670 Holyoke.

(6383) Mantis. A. Gosselin. ($033) LET--Light housekeeping suite, steam TU LET -New. modern apartmeut, 41 CAN DO OWN DRIVER, REPAIRS, STRICTLY heat.

'L'he Whitney, 14 Mattoon st. (9402) TO LET-Steam-beated rooms. 101 Iligb Phoeulx st. 'Tel. (6563) TO LET--New flat, 4 liring rooms, bath, $13.

CARE I'. BARTLETT. (SSTS) turo of all grades of papeteries and fine free booklet tells how. Vance, 587 TOO LET-26 Holyoke furnished front TO LET--Front parlor. modern, ADDRESS L.

WANTED -A capable, energetic man, WANTED--I made $18,000 11 three years st. Call evenings. (9224) closets, pantry and gas, $13 a mouth. TEMPERATE. AMIERST, thoroughly experienced in the manufac- in.

mail order I busiuess, began small, Tel. 02001. (9139) MASS. stationery, to take charge of large out Marion. Ky.

(8833) room; gentleman preferred. (9399) man. Martin, 35 Howard st. Tel. 2509.5.

To Let-South End. TO LET-7-room, modern, furnace heat, with sec- of town factory; should be able to assist (8929) upper 01 lower tenement, reasonable to WANTED license, as understands engineer, high and in getting up lines and must know how hours' WANTED--Agents, work $25 a for tiro TO tleman, LET--On nicely Carew furnished, st. to steam Catholic heated gen- TO LET-23 Myrtle furnished front TO North LET-7-room modern tenement, 414 right Call at 59 Chester st. and ice machines. 20 to dress figure labor Confidential, and Box material 895.

costs. Union Ad- Of- proposition a that day, beats a brand them new all, bosiery write room. Address Box 475, Union Otlice. room, also room for housekeeping. Main st.

Inquire upstairs. (3130) (0120) low Morgan speed st. (9032) engines, fice. (9219) for terms and free samples if you (9312) 18013) TO LET-3-room, top floor, 58 Winthrop, TO LET--New modern flats, 4, 3, rooms. -Work gentleman's place, Inean business.

Guaranteed Hosiery light housekceping, adults. 3 to 5 D. 111.. $11 to $16 month. 150 Quincy st.

(0070) care of boiler machine. or A. run W. punch Cushing. press Springdeld WANTED--Good Printing erlinder and press Binding feeders.

Go. 16 Auburn st. (9338) Roberts, 73 North Main (9012) TO LET-4-room tenement. special induceWANTED on 7090 Finch Dayton, 0. (SSOT) TO LET -Furnished rooms, gas and bath.

WANTED--Men to board sand room. Mrs. $11. (9150) and drilling 19377) TO LET-Acushnet half house. 9 ments.

Inquire 50 Clifton are. Tel. 1184- 185 Chestnut (0433) Wanted--Board and Lodgings. TO LET-3 furnished rooms, 2 front and TO LET--Nicely furnished 46 steam-heated roomy. A.

J. l'ease, 47 Sanford st. (9233) 14. (9010) 1 side, steam heat. private family.

room in private fainily. Locust st. WANTED- Position by :1 tratlic with manager, 10 WANTED-10 men to mix concrete. $2 downstairs. 83 Bradford st.

(0341) 'P'honc 2015-12. (911S) TO LET--Lower 5-room tenement, all TO LET--2 pleasant cottages, swall fu u1- shipper and receiving 470, clerk, Colon Of- dav, Ferry work in Ware, Mr. Mass. Call 170 WANTED--Young man wants board with modern. G1 Morris st.

(9131) ily, $11 and $12 month. 483 Allen st. years' experience. BOX (930) st. Sunday.

Alpert. (9126) private family where there are other TO -Comfortably furnished for 1 or 2 TO LET-20 Mattoon large front (8912). lice. WANTED--Young young people, meals only preferred. Ad- geutlemen, breakfast optional, 1'oom on door with bath, hot and cold TO LET-Sunny, modern, 7.

rooms, lie lower, driver, MAD to peddle milk: dress Walters. Republican. (9153) heat. modern, conveniently located. water.

Tel. 1131-1. (9117) GO Marble st. Inquire 58 Marble st. TO LET-108 Massachusetts new WANTED- Experience laundry wants position.

American country buy preferred. ler. 7 Winthrop st. (919T) (0051) 1) lower modern tenement, rooms, steam No. 1 references, (9421) Box Union Otilce.

(9446) WANTED-3 furnished rooms for light beat. Apply upper bell. 'Phone 5109-X. Box 484. Union Oilice.

housekeeping. in upper Brightwood. BOx TO LET-12 Holyoke 2 housekeeping To Let -Dwell ags. TO LET-Main st. dat, 5 rooms, $16.

In- (8017). WANTED -First-class shoemakers, steady Office. (9056) rooms with private entrance. (937G) quire 14 Howard second door. (9340) TO LET WANTED--By trustworthy and driver man, for it posi- geu- employment.

good wages. Sullivan's Shoe -Cottage, 7 rooms, rent free untill tion as caretaker references. lox Rep's Factory, 494 Main Hartford, WANTED -Private board by two young TO LET--Furnished rooms, also house- TO LET-1-room modern lower tenement, first of month. 138 Hickory st. (9053) family: good (0202) Conn.

(9331) gentlemen. in private family, near post- keeping rooms. 33 Olinton st. (0305) I HAVE A LARGE NUMBER OF 77 Central st. Inquire Central st.

471, Union Office. offic Box 270. Union Office. (8320) (9310) TO LET--room cottage, all viodern, low. understands WANTED--Experienced press feeders.

CO LET-2 furnished front rooms with MENTS AND COTTAGES TO LET, CEN- rent. 734 Literty st. (7207) WANTED--General work: C'. 108 job Worthington board, suitable for 2 gentlemen, steam TO LET-5-room fat. steam heat.

128 automobiles: married: strictly willing temper- to Otto, (9321) Wanted--Dwellings. heat. 354 Bridge st. TRAL AND OUTSIDE A LITTLE WAYS, U'niou st. Inquire L.

Zimmerman, 75 No. TO LET-6-room modern cottage. register ate; good references; wife st. Malu st. (9376) In kitchen, near cars.

F. N. Brooks. 102 work. W.

Wright, 9 Catherine ($500) TO LET--Newly furnished rooms. 32 Tom- AT FROM $14 UP; MY HOUSES Hickory st. (9031); WANTED--At once. first-class bushelmen. WANTED- or 5-room upper tenement, 2- ple near Maple.

(9381) ARE T'O LET-4-room steam-heated apartment, workers, steady work. I. lichards family house, within 10 minutes' walk WELL TAKEN CARE l'ecousic cor. Norwood. $21; 6 TO LET-104 Massachusetts new 7.

WANTED -P'osition AS janitor and fire- 700 State st. (9371) from corner of Wilbraham ave. and WWil- TO LET--Furnished kitchen and sleeping OF, AND KEPT IN rooms, modern, $15. A. Freedman.

Tel. room lower tenement. Tel. 5409-4. man: second-class license; furnish best brabam rd.

Address lox 901, Union Of- room for housekeeping. $2.50. 120 Cather- GOOD 2018-13. (9121) (9001) of references. 1 Box 301, ('pion Office.

WANTED engineer, local, five. ine (932S) CONDITION. (8798) Second-class $15 wk. GEORGE WARE, TO LET -Half house, 5 rooms, Nov. TO st.

LET-5-room tenement. 285 Quincy in Young man on cost work wk. TO LET-48 Beauchamp 5-room ten- TO LET--Furnished rooms. G. rent $16.

Apply Carl Withe, The Union. (90G0) WANTED--Young man rants family. position 83 Printer to supervise work in printing de- ement. all modern, quiet place, rooin 48 Bliss st. (92S5) (9387) institute or private partwent of large firm $24 wk.

for chickens, $14. Inquire on premises. 16S BRIDGE STREET. TO LET modern cottage, on the Hill. janitor, caretaker or sober Box Chauffeur mo.

(9451) TO LET-5-room flat, modern, steam heat, Box 262, Union Office. (S016) industrious; good references. Good ou stock records wk. TO LET -Handsomely furnished rooms, Janitor. 28 Morris st.

(SO51) 653, Union Offce. (8831) peninan double team $12 wk. heated, gentlemen only. Main st. TO LET--Tenements.

on Oak Grove sodu fountain. WANTED-2-tenement house. State st. (9105) TO LET- TO LET-3 and rooms. modern.

54 Nor- modern. T. F. Naughton, 410 Main st. Teamster on WANTED- Position by thorongt.

foreman. D-to-late Two Young errand ou boys $3.50 wk. district. Address Box 890, Union Office. 431 Main slugle wood, $12 up.

A. Freedman. Tel. 2018-15. Room 3.

Tel. 0390. (SS69) man in building construction 06 Box "Bulletin" for other positions. (9315) TO LET-2 furnished front rooms. suit- 14 Phoenix upper, 6 (6965) superintendent or estimator.

(8039) Y. M. C. A. EMP.

DEPT. Tel. 3320. able for gentleman; steam, central. 43 4S Malden lower, 5 17 TO Idence LET-777 State very desirable res.

Union Office. Mattoon st. (9100) 40 Quiney single house, 20 of 13 rooms and bath. furnaco WANTED- -Position by young man night writh WANTED work. -First-class Carl 'linotype Withe.

operator; The TO LET--Furnished side rcoin. Airs. J. HANLON (8895) Wanted--Miscellaneous. 12 Palmer half house, 6 To Let- -Central.

heat. A. H. Goetting, 200 Bridge st. second-class Groman's license.

work. Box night Springfield Union. Apply (9358) Saunders, 107 Spring st. Call evenings. 310 Main St.

(9319) watchman or some 19143) (0087) TO LET-40 Locust best 6-room steam- TO LET-108 Massachusetts new such 300, Union Office. TO LET-6-room cottage, Feeding Hills heuted flat in the city for $30. G. d. beat.

lower modern tenement, 7 rooms, steam would like WANTED -Experienced wash man for TO LET -Heated room, with breakfasts car line. Mary A. Warriner, near turnout Lampson, 310 Main. Tel. 4348.

(9259) Apply upper bell, 'Phone 0400-X. WANTED- -Young Inan of 28 manufactur. lauudry. Call at Model Laundry, Thomp- and suppers. 396 St.

James are. (DOS2) 12. (9304) (8890) position with wholesale or travel- sonville. or 'Phone 72-4. (9114) TO LET-20 Myrtle tenement of ing concern.

shipping clerk Union or Ofice. TO LET -2 furnished front rooins and TO LET--Upper tenement of 7 or 9 rooms, rooms, adults only, heat, gas, hot water, TO apar LET Walnut. -Modern tenement, 226 High, Ing locally. Box 200. 184731 WANTED--A man with capital to take ac- board for '2 gentlemen.

39 Bradford st. modern; ready Nov. 1. 14 Wolcott tt st. rent reasonable.

'Tel. 3410, 9 a. ID. to Pomstein, 18 Walnut. Tel interest in the concrete (9020) 19374) 5 p.

m. (9330) 1638-2. (8981) WANTED--Young where there man is would chance like for a Ad- DO- Tel. 3020-2. (9058) TO conveniences.

LET--Furnished 62 front Pearl room, first floor. TO LET-Now ready. upper and TO steam. LET-72 A. J.

Court 47 modern Sanford. 5-room flat, TO Hill LET--New residential modern district. 7-room tenement, struction business, pleuty of business. sition manufac. all.

st (9031) lower tenements, $14 and $15. 65 and Pease, (0234) Tel. 2033-1. vancement with wholesale or in whole- wood work- TO Mooreland are. Inquire 582 Armory (8973) turning concern.

experienced (8451) WANTED-5 or men to run TO LET -Large front room. steam heat, st. TO LET-17 Franklin modern 4- sale line. Box 280. Union Office.

machines: also 1 molder; good also other rooms. 81 Bliss st. (3043) room flat. R. It.

Stacy. 41 Taylor st. TO LET-7-room apartment; rent reasonTree emplov- wages and steady work year around. T. TO TO LET--Nice residence, 10 rooms, best (9107) able, 47 Bristol st.

(9323) WANTED- ACTO SCHOOL. employ- D. Potter, Bondsrille, Mass. (9285) -Room and board, modern con- location in city for renting rooms. Inmeat burean.

741 Pynchon consalt ng. veniences, private family. Tel. 5439. (9028) quire D.

F. Blanchard, 36 Arch st. TO LET--Tenements from $11-12. Inquire TO LET-4-room, modern tenement. 130 ers.

chauffeure, repair men, WANTED -Four good boys for messengers. WANTED--A PURCHASER FOR FOWER TO LET -Pleasant Dr. Ienin, 148 Main or 'phone. (9181) Hickory st. (9192) attending scbool: good chance for furnished room.

private TO LET--Modern upper and lower teneright boys to earn telegrapby. Western MULTIGRAPE BIG DISCOUNT TO 91 residence; convenient to Winchester so. ments, rooms, steam heat, with use TO LET-7-room lower tenement, mod- TO LET-Tust the rent you want. Come Wanted- -Women. Colon Tel.

Co 238 Main st. (3381) ANYONE WHO WANTS AND CAN Andrew st. Tel. 1002-11. (8994) of Darn.

Tel. 1203-2. (0231) ern. 42 Greenwich st. (9140) and see it.

41 Middlesex st. (9461) WANTED--Do you want to learn to run TO LET--Nicely furnished room, all con TO LET -New 6-roomn cottage on Denver TO LET--Large front room with private LET--New modern Situations IT MAKE IT RUN. THE SPRINGFIELD veniences. 82 Spring st. Tel.

5964. (S993) pear l'ine Point, opposite family, steam heat, kitchen privileges if Nov. 15. Rear 210 Pendleton tenement. ave.

ready WASTED -Position middle-aged AS working respectably housekeep- widower automobile. 25 Belgrade lessons $1 each. City. Call'or Tel. BUSINESS road schoolhouse.

Address P. Denver Boston desired; central location. 47 Screnth st. (9440) ur elderly couple, city preferred. ('all 2304-12.

(8413) erences LET-Furnished exchanged. room, Mrs. E. steam Ir. heat.

ref- st. (8392) (9407) TO LET-An 8-room lower flat, Westford address place, SOHOOL, MYRICK DUILD- TO 102 Thompson st. (9436) ING. 162 Central upper bell. Hakes, (S937) TO LET-5-room tenement, all modern.

TO LET-6-room tenement, all modern, era. steam Inquire heat, 23 open Yale st. fireplace, or all modWANTED--For 0. S. ARMI.

able-bodied Inquire janitor, 180 Union near 376 Chestnut opposite Sacred Heart Tel. 2736-2. WANTED-2 Scotch girls the would day. like Rox to unmarried men. between ages of 18 and TO LET -WINCHESTER CHAMBERS.

Maple. (9410) church. Inquire Dr. A. Wilinsky, 123 (9443) gO 485, out Union (9423) 35.

character citizens arod of temperate United hablts, States, of who good cad beat, Furnished care and rooms bath: single lignt or en sulte. light, Main st. (9099) TO LET-7-room tenement, Working by housekeeping TO and 304 and all modern, speak. read and write the English lan- permitted: anartments, stores. offices.

ter 5 room. 37 6-room tenement, 35 modern, ('hes- TO LET--288 Chestnut and 6- quire Ladrie, 396 Mill 430 st. MIll st. Tel. 1317-12.

InWANTED--By young Call girl or to write assist 105 State with For Information apply to Recruit- REED RDALTY TRUST. low price. Inquire at premises or 380 room dats. Inquire Dr. D.

lI. Harvey, (9430) st. light (9417) 1ng Of6cer. 17 Hampden 786 State St. Tel.

6340-5341. (125) Main st. Louis Grenier, owner. Tel. ou premises.

(9147) TO housework. LET--Tenement, 5 40 Stafford TO LET--Furnished rooms, en modern, steam 2087-1. (9409) TO LET-Modern, 0-room flat, central. In- st. Inquire Carellas, 490 Worthington.

WANTED By young lady clerical work to WANTED--Young men to prepare for heated. 01 Charles st. Central. (6820) TO LET-7-room quire 13 Howard st. (9030) (8865) do by hour or piece: good rapid Box penman; 450, stenographic positions with the D.

8. bridge in Agawam. cottage, II. B. near Aga wal TO LET-588 best of references.

Address government, salary to start $840 to $000 TO rooms, by day or Worden. TO LET-3-room suite, The Royal, 3 Salem Armory 5-room tene Union (94Gt) per year. enrol now and we will guaran- week. 18 Bliss, or 541 stain at. 16913) (0126) elevator, all conveniences.

Mrs. 305 ment, Unestnut st. improvements, $15. Call tee prepare you for the government TO LET-4-room apartments, Malden Sperry, 2, or janitor. Tel.

2992-4. (9010) (9343) kind. 162 Walnut st. 19403). examination which will be held in Jan- ODD.

P. Alfred and Wilbraham also TO WANTED -Dressmaking or sewing of TO LETany nary; call or write for full particulars. TO LET- -Central, up-to-date, 8 LET-5-room apartment, all modern. Patterson Shorthand School, 494 Main Furnished rooms, by day or week. rooins, Wilbraham ave.

E. D. Shaw, st: 1 heat. modern. 127 Spring st.

rooms. (SSS1) 83 l'ine st. (9344) family. WANTED- Box Position 900. Union as Ofice.

(0354) cor. "Shorthand State. iu 30 The Days." school that teaches (8872) Room 12. 285 Main St. TO LET-1038 cook in private 356 Main room 307.

(8997) TO LET--21 L'atten new 4-rooin State b-room tenement, WANTED- Companion. care of J. invalid 838 or WANTED -Excellent opening. sood posi- blades WANTED--Bring and bare in them your sharpened. safety O.

razor P. ROG Hanecek st. MENT, STEAM- ONE HEATED 4 AND ONE 5-ROOM Inquire apartments, 151 Main modern, st. Tel. $17; 076-1.

ready Nov. (8678) 1. quire 1052 State st. Tel. 5445-12.

(9254) temporary. housekeeper. tion for young man able to immediately Thompson Masonic APARTMENT. TEL. dull TO LET -S furnished rooms, for gentlemen.

TO LET--THE PADDING A AP'ART- second floor, electricity. all inodern. Worthington City. (9194) associate himself actively and financially Warren Smith Pharmacy, bldg. Chicopee.

TO LET--Large furnished rooms. desir- 5425-J. ROOM 4, 120 MAIN ST. (8522) TO LET--New modern. 4 rooms, 433 TO furnace LET-5-room beat.

74 tenement, all modern. in small war with local company. Box (7743) able. 32 Myrtle st. 17722) TO LAT-09 Bliss Longmeadow; Franklin $15 and $14, also 3 rooms, Willard are.

(8955) ironing. swooping, cleaning, hour or day. 049. Union Office. (8966) remover; rewores hair TO -Furnisbed rooms, $1.50 to $5 a all modern.

(9089) 1. 437 Franklin $13 and $12, ready Nov. TO LET -Upper and WANTED- Reliable American. washing. house Box 473.

U'nion office. (9332) from face and arias. Mrs. Lane. 332 week.

563 and 565 Main st. (7693) Inquire Maurice L. Angers, 327 (8385) Maln. $12 to $22, Wilbraham road. -aquire 404 lorer flat, modern, WANTED -Inside electric wiremen.

give Main I'rice TO LET-3 tenements, 5 rooms each. $13. Wilbraham road. Tel. 3272-14.

(8971) 1 WANTED- -Position by experienced sales- experience at business, where employed. TO LET--Furnished rooms, steam heat, Inquire W. C. Belding, 455 State st. st.

Room 22. 50c. (3264) lady; best references. Box 472, Union etc. I'.

O. Box 1001. and up, room papered com- gentlemen. 27 Prospect ter. Tel.

2405-1. (8621) TO LET-3, 4 the and 5-room equipned apartments In building the TO LET-7-room tenement, steam beat. 58 Office (0334) plete; also painting. J. Hoffwan, 20 Con- (0198) 1G the Albamhra.

city. 287 Ceutral st. 'Tel. 3712. Dr.

Massachusetts are. (9001) WANTED -Position by bookkeeper-stenog- month. mail get postal for list of position, post- gress, near Main. Tel. 5769.

(347) TO LET--Rooms heated, rooms, all modern, reasonable rent. $14 James T. Sheeban. (6523) TO WANTED -You a government TO LET--In Melrose building, 5 large coZy and bome- and 15. Tel.

3062-15. 106 Malden st. rooms and bath, set tubs, $13. rapher. used to store and all office work.

lions open. Franklin Institute. Dept. WANTED-Alcobolic cases for treatment at like. $1.50 up; also meals, desired.

40 or 3172-13. (6999) TO room lat. 55 State st. Inquire (0093) Edith. Box 800.

Cnion Office. (9200) 160-J. Rochegier. N. Y.

(6505) sanitarium. 39 Montrose st. Tel. 1173-12. Sargeant st.

TO LET-75-77 Clantoy Jobn Swaine, 51 Taylor st. (1493) TO LET-145 Magazine modern, upper lower ioneWANTED--A stenographer of long expert- ANTED- TOO RY. MAIL CLERKS. post- (4453) TO LET--3 furnished rooms, light honge- 48 and lower tenement, new house. Inquire TO I.PT-6 rooms and bath, modern.

steam, ment, adults only. Inquire upstairs. capable of taking entire charge of office. customs clerks, mail carriers. WANTED -Secondhand turniture, also keeping.

78 Princeton st. (8500) Phoenix st. (TOSS) convenient to rent rooms. Inquire M. RI.

(8626) Box office, 373, dealres Union to Office. make a change at (9136) postal for schedule showing date and free Tel. feather 5125-1. beds, New pay Dogland double other Furniture buyers. Co.

TO LET--Furnished TO LET-2 tenements. Eiranor road, 5-6 ner, 37 Franklin st. Tel. 3724. (7315) TO LET-7-room tenement, all modern, 30 once.

Springfield examinations coming. send sample questions from previous examina- (7966) ment. Hattie J. rooms, new manage- rooms. $18 mo.

Tel. 2075. (7374)' TO LET -Suites of rooms. steam heat, Austin st Inquire at P'allot Furniture WANTED--Position as working housekeep- tions. Franklin lustitute, Dent.

156-J. Taylor, 548 Main st. elevator and janitor service, Main 152 West Bridge st. 'Tel. 0044.

(8181) er. 21 Salem st. City. Phone 832-3. (9035) WANTED- Watches cleaned, 50c; To Let--North End.

et. McKinney tel. 2171-11. (7322) LET -5-room tenement Rochester. N.

Y. (65041 (8719) 1 WANTED-28 men to aualify tor good driv. springs. 50c. 38 Dwight st.

Open evenings. TO Furnished rooms with bath: TO on Dawes st. the day or week. 281 ing and renair positions In the early electric light. 332 No.

Main st. (9190) room D. Brisk. 327 (2301) Main all modern, $17. Samuel Sharon WANTED- City.

(9004) spring: we bave wore than 50 men placed TO LET-5-room Work by in this today New England Auto WANTED--Would orchestra. like Address to Box join amateur TO LET--Nicely furnished TOAST with 3-apartment house. Thomas off North tenement, 2d floor, in To Let-Forest Park. and School. 218 Main st.

Office. (9241) st. board, for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Union Main st. (0474) TO LET--Upper modern tenement, $20.

ments, 6 rooms and bath each. 2 W. M. 383, Union TO LEC-197-199 Wilbrabam WANTED -Capable desires young position 0.9 stenog- (9185) girl, neat accurate, Lox 358, Union Of- and nremen's in- TO LET-28 Grosvenor furnished Inquire 87 Commonwealth ave. (9442) Young.

187 Main. Tel. 638-11 (4355) fice. (9041) struction to obtain the A United States: 3000 class, modern Nov. 1.

Box 361. without board. 43 John st. 'Tel. 1602-13.

or light furnace heat, or without TO LET--Very attractive lower tenement TO LET -Desirable rapuer. Address license, largest TO, LET -Wanted A1 tenant for first- TO LET--Furnished rooms, with rooms, with school system in Union Office. housekeeping. (042L) of 7 rooms, 6 on first floor, 1 on third, tenements, $11 and with knowl- men hare obtained licenses through us in (9080) (9228) etc. Tel.

5580-1. $12, 28 Randall ave. Inqutre Room 629, young lady position in of- thi3 state. 500 In Springfeld: for board TO LET-41 Ringgold tenement of steam, electricity, (9195) Court Square Theater bidg. (7520) edge of store bookkeeping In city.

a Address Book- bollers. pumps. in full operation; ing, steam beat. Cor. North and and Church lodg.

TO -Pleasant room for two, board, rooms $17. Inquire 20S Sharon st. (0415) fice or 22 Carew City. class now forming: all Instruction given st. (8059) on the Hill.

Tel. 5507-12. (9222) TO LET-Lower tenement, 7 rooms, LET-3 and 4 rooms, modern, $11 and: keeper. under Myers the and I'. personal E.

Reardon: direction of weekly Thos. pay- F. TO LET -Large, sunny room, with board, TO LET-6-room modern tenement, sep- steam heat, electricity: about Nov. 1. 419 $14.

148 Dostern Tel. 3037-2. (7197) WANTED -Refined and capable lady ments; day and evening courses: start Mrs. Ware, 24 Auburn st. from own (6830) hair.

steam heat, reasonable. 1101 North Belwont TO LET -Lower tenement, 7 WANTED-Hair work done arate entrance. Douglas st. (9113) tel. 3147-J.

(9301) housekeeper for gen- Engineerlug corner Church st. (917S) rooms, 21' wishes position 83 ADJ time. Massachusetts TO LET-137 North Main, two 3-room ten- TO LET--Modern 5-room tenement, 250 Wellington $22; possession now, theman elderly couple in a Office. well-ap- School. 41 Sharon Springdeld.

(6700) WANTED-Rag8. scrap tron, metals or TO ements, $10 and $11. Call 53 Vernon st. Orange st. Inquire D.

S. Burdick, 31 Col- quire 95 Ifall st. Tel. 3237-11. pointed home.

Box 353, Union thing you hare in the line of Junk: dron LET--Furnished rooms for light house- (9407) lege st. Tel. 3271-13. (0382) (3013) mne line call Baruett 98 keeping, 31 Mattoon tel. 4011-1.

(9177) Help Wanted- Women. Bond a st Carter. (7150) TO LET -Neatly furnished TO Cass st. LET-6-room modern tenement. TO LET-Parkwood 6 rooms, modern, TO $12; LET-4-room 126 Malden apartments, $14; 100 7 and Melrose WANTED--Position by young lady rooms.

also (9138) steam heat. 'Fel. 6689 IF. (0448) Piney $13. Inquire on premises.

TeL, stenographer and typist; competent -Girl for light housework and WANTED--TYPEWRITING AND light housckeeping rooms: 575 Main st. (0002) operator. Miss Birdsall, P. 0. Box (8781) 211, to assist.

124 Washington road. (9241) CATING. facsimile typewritten letters (9239) TO ern LET-133 tenement. Greenwood mod- TO LET--Upper 5-room fat, hardwood city. for circular purnoses a A.

GAL 5823. Inquire 018 State st. 'Tel. floors. electricity, $20.

Smith, 100 Grenada TO LFT-4-room apartmeat, bath and gas, WANTED -Stead days' work, also wash- hand WANTED- in 30 Young days. good lading to positions learn. guaran- short- city. Unique House, 90 Elliott st. (813S) TO LET-5 257 Main st.

Phone 5856. (5500) LAWAY. 374 Main st. 'Phone 3415. (406) TO LET furnished chambers 1n (9316) tel.

1615-1. (SOS2) new block. 81 Orleans. J. V.

O'danloo, ings to take home. Tel. 4017-1. (S795) teed, hundreds of graduates placed" in WANTED -Any quantity potatoes, ap- P'Ininfeld st. and Tel.

tenements, 528 TO LET-79 Grenada cor. Sorrento positions by us, individual instruction. ples, onions, walnuts or chestnuts; stale TO LET--Furnished rooms, steam heat. 2195-11. (9359) upper tenement, new.

5 rooms. pleasant To LET -i-room apartments, bot water WANTED--Position by young lady with day and erening sessions; call or write, lowest cash price amount. Clark, pleasant, sunny: meals if desired. 91 El- corner, $17. Springfield Wallpaper House.

ell year around, steau beat. gas and elec. years' experience in stenography and NOW; we can help Patterson 196 Main: West liott st. Tel. 1707-14.

18935) TO LET- On Sheldon 8 roms, modern. 57 Harrison ave. Tel. 2129. (9152) tricity.

Janitor service. Inquire on prem. general office work, good reference, Box Shorthand School, 104 you. Maln cor. (ST83) best rent in the city for $22.

Inquire T. Sees. 131 Fiorida st. (4100) 810, Union Office. (8911) State.

(8871) WANTED- -Full. dress and tuxedo suits at TO LET -Room and board Forest park J. Sheridan, Room 414, 31 Elm Tel. TO LET-40 Commonwealth 7-room district. references.

1993-3. (7725) 4599. (9383) lower tenement, rooms on Door, gas TO 1 King G- room bat. $14 ad. WANTED--By experienced and and other capable W.

M. Tanner. State St. Tel. 1881-1.

range, electricity, all modern. Inquire vance. Apply 215 King st. (688)) nurse, gagements. confinement 50 Clantoy or I'hone EXPERIENCED WANTED OPERATORS TO LET- Furnished room with privilege To LET-5 rooms, halt house, modern at 38.

(8031) cases enof light housekeeping. 33 Yale lower conveniences. Mrs. Pomeroy, 198 TO LET-4-roomn modern tenement. 9d 3426-4.

(9111) LEARNERS, AND ONE GIRL FOR WANTED Typewriting. bell. (0200) Carew TO LET -Tenement. all modern. opposite door.

52 Monmouth st. l'hone 3344-2. CHECKING. FROM HIGH SCHOOL M. Meecham, Hotel Kinball Tel.

st. (9124) Forest park entrance. Inquire 47 Sumner 15880 WANTED education, -Young good lady penman, of desires character ofl'ice and REFERRED. STATE CORSET (9444) TO LET -Furnished rooms, week. TO LET-4-room tenement on John ter.

Tel. 882-W. (9027) -The Palmnarv, 138 Walnut WANTED- -Your kers of All kinds to du- Birs. Shaw. 503 Worthington st.

(S009) modern, except beat. Inquire 20 John. TO modern LET steam heated 3. and position. clerking, or take charge of DWIGHT AND TAYLOR STREETS.

lorka repaired. 0. O. physician's office and keep books. Box (8167) it.

plicate, 493 Mnin st. Oall about (55401 TO LET-Cosy cottage. 8 rooms. Crystal apurticents, very reasonable. See Janitor 388.

Union Office. (3200) (7400) TO ADd TO LET-4 and 5-room Belmont lurge garden, or R. (. Bartholomew. I'hone 6674.

(70:9) WANTED--First-class finishers on waists WANTED- Iome for maternity be- MODERN FURNISHED APARTMENTS. "PLAZA." heat. 33 Thomas tel. tenements, steam modern; rent reasonable to as housekeeper in and skirts. G.

Mason, 40 Temple cases, 1931-12. (8793) right party. Apply John J. Fish. 294 WESTMINSTEN HOrSE widower's famlly; no objection to child: (7873) fore ence and confidential.

during Box conQuement. 44, Union correspond. 2. 3 and 4 rooms, arranged for LET-13 Main North Main st. Tel.

2169-3. (8972) apartwents. city preferred. (9253) Office. HOUSEKEEPING.

TO steam heat. A. II. 7 rooms and bath, Steam heat. bot water, vacuuin cleaning, WANTED--A situation as cook.

in restau- at WANTDD-Stenographers, special Wed. speed and dic- From $1.00 to $10.00 per week. st. (8804) Cm Sumper cor. Bryant st.

REED REALTY TROST. 16547) Goctting, 209 Bridge TO I.PT-4-room data, all modern. just all conrentences. rant or cafe. or kitchen work of any Fri.

tation evenings. Bay (7932) willing WANTED--To to pay buy highest secondhand cash prices. furniture, Pal- A. E. BUCKLER.

TO LET-5-room Tel. 3062-15. 109991 788 State St. Tel. 0310 and 5341, kind; to go home nights.

Box 379, lot Furniture 102-154 Bridge st. Tel. Tel. 2930. 356 Belmont Are.

continuous hot water. apartment. Union Office. (9216) WANTED for general 6016. (404) Chestnut st.

TO LET-12 Ventura 7 rooms, hardin family; one who cares more (9347) Inquire J. Kingsbere. 203 Main or wood floors, gas and electricity; vacant To -A-room tenement. all modern. WANTED--Young girl to assist 17.

house for good home than large wages. Mrs. 14 Everett st. Tel. 3117-12.

(8892) Nov. 15. Tel. (9130) 02 Starnard qt. second work.

Box 198. Caion Of- J. F. Baker, Palmer, Mass. R.

-F. D. WANTED- Household 120 and othee furniture. TO LET -Furnished rooms, steam, suite Ace. (7756) (9101) Bridge st.

Tel. 2394-1. of 2 rooms. kitchen. 127 Spring st.

(SS82) 10 tenement, big roglus 31 TO LET-White upper tenement. WANTED by young Scotch girl four "to learn TO LET -When seeking room, every tura st. l'hone 0549-R. (9257) (7397) Alergan st. (9201) rooins.

newly decorated, $16. Key 12 Ven- To Let--For Business Purposes work. Tel. 1171-11. second work or (8021) light weaving tape looms.

Dall at offre, N. Crowley, The Worthy. Tel. 0290. venience, call Sandquist.

103 Spring st. steam heat. 128 Massasoit st. modern, (9210) TO Belmont tenement, 7 TO LET -One half -Three or girly WANTED--Stenography ana typewriting. TO LET-7-room, upper tenement, housework.

Webbing 235 -t. (8864) LET--On low 1.0 desirable store, lat door. rent Springfeld (5726) rooms. P. 0.

Box 1243, or Tel. 3072-1. party. 103 Main WANTED -Laundry work to take home. WANTED-2 experienced house-to-house WANTED- TO LET -Room with board.

Mrs. J. (. TO LET-6-room cottage, modern. 87 Ful- (7123) cor.

Greenwood. (9213) best of work guaranteed, special rates to take orders for hosiery, sprinzs, 50c. -Watches 34 Main cleaned. 50c: I'bilbrick. 133 Florida st.

(8705) ton $16. (9209) TO LET -Large back on family washing. references. A. M.

canvassers who open evenings. TO LET-82 Woodside terrace, room on first 11001, 470 State UD 2 flighta. (7539) good salary to those can 12. bring re (5562) TO: LET Front room for 2 gentlemen; TO LET-9-room, modern tenement; lower tenement. Tel.

5425-J. Room 4. also on Main near arch. sults. 51 Market st.

Room (0452) all conveniences. 87 Elliott st. Tel. 210. did location.

Inquire 1571 North st. 120 Main st. (9230) For particulars see Dir Coley. 244 Main WANTED -Practical nursing 01 care of -Girl for general housework in brella WANTED -Key Atting. knives saw Ming.

nm- (8701) (9208) 6t. ried invalids woman: or store best of work. by references. young Write mai- sinall family, inust live on the IIill and ground. IV S.

Rackliffe, 111 Worthington TO rooms for TO ment. LET-70 gas. electricity. Sorrento furnace 4-room hant. apart- (9271) TO WANTED shears LET-2 furnished light TO LET-5-room, steam-heated dinin sinall store, fur61 Talcott AFC.

10218) FO home nights. 55 Cambridge st. Tel. st. Tel.

5338-1. (4900) bousckeeping. modern. 15 Congress st. plumbing.

Greengard, 522 open nace heat. $16 month. (9109) flat; 0075. (947S) (8914) Chestnut st. TO LOT-4-room flat, opposite Forest WANTED- Housekeeping position by young WANTDD--Key knives fitting.

and fling, umbrella (0205) park. 467 Dickinson at $16. Tel. TO with LET store on ground font woman with 10 years old girl. Address WANTED- -Woman for light housework, 2 repairing.

5 Franklin sbears ground. B. D. TO LET -Front room. suitable for 2, pri- 3062-13.

(8455) 520. cellar. Harrison ave. Inquire Room Sirs. Irene Long.

21 Seventh st. (7898) in family, F. S. King, McKinley ave. cor.

Sialn. Tel. rate family. 39 Church st. (9001) TO LET-2 tenements of 4 rooms each.

Court Square Theater bldg. Chicopee. 6593. (7804) with attic room, at 28 Moore just off WANTED--By A hookkeeper, with 3 TO LET--Connecting for light from Plainfield Sanderson at Bright oflice wood. Inquire TO LET- TO best LOT -Factory space.

111 vears' experience references. WANTED--Girl for clerical work, must be WANTED--Carpet, windon and house housekeeping. Greenwood st. of I. A.

of WASOD manufacturing district. very attrac position with a good chance for ad- rood penman. Apply at once, Address cleaning. niso furniture removing. team- JI1-.

Co. (8190) live. good light sides. hear. water.

fice. (8875) lia Williams. 154 Quincy st. Phone TO LET -Furnished. steam-beated Winchester sq.

TO -New modern 4 and MANHATTAN HALL. ($314) vancement. Address Box 337. Union Box 470. Union Office.

(92S1) 10g. moderate charges. Apply W11- etc. W. A.

Newton 130 Mirnie are. WANTED--Chamber girl. GO Cochran 5052.12. (7919) Chapel minutes' st. walk (89S0) tenements, rent $11 and $14.

Inquire from 20 Chicopee Falls. (9184) A. Rodelen, floor. 2. 4 and G- room apartments.

with elec127 Lowell Help Wanied-Men. WANTED- when Capitol you need sanitary one buy brushes the are best. the TO LET-27 Salem side desirable furnigh- (9115) tric lights, steam heat and service. all modern To Let-Storage. -First-class tailor.

406 Dickinson while WANTED--Girls learning. to 123 millinery. Main paid st. 9. the J.

Capitol: agents. call between and rooms for TO LET-4-room fat. all modern. 37 Al- bill st. and Sumner ave.

Inquire on NICHOLS STOREHOUSE. ed front room, also room. 17686) improvements. also innitor Long. WANTED 102701 ager, wood S.

at Griffin, State Agent, 31 Green- TO LET--Two 102 furnished State st.a city. (8467) light Co. fred st. Tel Inquire 1 New England (1967) premises. ..8172) Clean Office 12 and Cass dry.

st. 'I'hone First-class 5778. every way. A 6. 4 to.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.