The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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rance Musical Instruments Auto Driving 28 Personals Legal Notices 20 Building Materials THE REPUBLICAN DAILY NEWS Men Wanted 8 i Place your ad if more convenient with your neighborhood druggist Our Rates Include Both Papers 32 line 1 eed Coal and Wood 23 Articles Wanted to Buy 296 Hanco*ck St Store 192 White St (International)' and St Machinery and Tools NORTH END SECTION its influence at home and Ln several European coun Household Articles 26 St 9 Women Wanted STEAMER AHRIVLS J4c OUR SECRET AMBITION Joseph A Ar' 15000 persons at the National league 3 Lost and ound 6 APPLICANTS Answering advertisem*nts are Livestock advised not to forward original 28 Musical Instruments Dogs Cats Pets recommendations Copies will Personal sented when the interview is granted i comuanion Republican figures place the note circu Germany at nearly 32 trillion 3 1 time times times STONE CUTTERS STONE MASONS STONE SETTERS day day We later WVLL NEVE: PREAWI in a car utre son was his CEMENT BLOCKS 15c at yard 18c deliv ered in SrUd any quantity Immediate de llv 70011 dally output machine mane per fect 481 Main Si Ind Orchard Tel 130 the one In hit the Barber's North End Pharmacy 34 North Elm St RATE in the City ALDENVILIE Lamothe 695 Grattan St At New to elderly housework Office i H()LY( KE opp Pearl St 16c a (consecutive) 14c a line a (consecutive) 12c a line a REVIEWS NEW BOOKS AT SPRINGIELD CITY LIBRARY "Williams WATERSHOPS SECTION James Delehanty 492 Mill St HARD TO COMPREHEND OREIGN CURRENCY CLOSING SESSION DRAWS OVER 8000 ANGEVIEW SANITARIUM ormerly Nauheim 18th year new and Improved lo cation trained ntiraea chronic case a specialty rrzMary Sanderson 28 North ampton Road Amhfist Maa SOUTH HADLEY CENTER Drug Store cozy COTTAGE Eat 1919 invalids chronic and nervous cases 86 Lawnwood Ave Long meadow Tel Walnut 1232 WESTIELD Apothecary Hail (William Harden) SOUTH END SECTION South End Pharmacy 807 Main St Winthrop Pharmacy 643 Main St Pharmacy 360 Bay St Leary INDIAN ORCHARD Pharmacy 164 Main SL MONSON Bradway PALMER Bay State Drug Co SOUTH HADLEY ALLS Drug Store Capt Charles Nungesser most noted of rench fighting aviators and his bride who was Mis Consuleo Ilatmaker of New York just after the wedding ceremony The bride is the daughter of Mrs William Waters and James Hatmaker The wedding took place at Dinajd be fore a brilliant social gathering including many members of the rench military CALL WALNUT 5186 or irewood German Protest Expected By the Associated Press Berlin Aug 12 The American em bassy has not been Informed otliclally of the Bergdoll incident at Eberbach The belief is expressed here that the Baden government through the Ger man foreign office will formally i ro test against the alleged attempt tokidnap Bergdoll The German press refers to the incident as "a violationot German CHICOPEE Cabot Drug Store 250 Exchange CHICOPEE ALLS Chas King 17 Main PARK SElfflON Drug LONGMEADOW ord Drug Co 487 Longmeadow St WEST SPRINGIELD West Side Drug Co 135 Main SL THOMSONVILLE CT Newsroom MITTINEAGUE Clarence Smith 90 ront SL HA2ARDVIUE CT George Allen LUDLOW David Miller Park Place LOWEST RATES IN THE CITY Ad SOUTH END HARDWARE 620 MAIN ST Queenstown 12th Adriatic from York ranconia from New for Liverpool "we are mastered by the ODll What we need is the nne spirit with which a man is to give up fill to traxel stenographer wanted 296 Worthington St Good Things tr fiat 24 CANDY SPECIAL Assorted gum drops 39c All kinds of home made candies The Nut tie Goodie Shop 2 16 Worthington St HAMPDEN SS City ot Springfield August "8th 1923 By virtue of an execution which issuedon a judgment recovered in the District Court of Springfieldon the third day of August A 1923 in favor of Rice Durfee i Company a corporation duly established at law and having a usual place of business in Springfield said County and against Vermont Products Company a corporation duly established at law and having a usual place of business in Springfield said County I have this day seized and taken as the property of the said Vermont Products Com pany all the personal property located in 'the garage in the rear of No 17 Chapin street West Springfield in said said property consisting of Cans Bottles Motor Tubes Chairs Pulleys Belting Ice Box and other articles used by said Ver mont Products Company in the Milk and Hutter business And on Monday August 13th A 1923 at 11 in the fore noon at the garage in the rear of No 17 Chapin street West Springfield Mass I shall sell at Public Auction said property to satisfy said execution and all fees and charges of sale SIMON GRIIN Deupty Sheriff Eggs Poultry and Suppling 36 EM ENT 1st quality finished blocks made hy hand Albert CapodagH Boston Rd Ludlow HILE SECTION Bristol Drug Store 343 Wilbraham Road Dearborn's Drug Store 1081 State St Central Pharmacy 26Z Central St Drug Store 802 State St 477 State St Highland Arthur WESTERN SADDLE hand carved $60 Ha waiian guitar $10 Peerless handcuffs 32 caliber automatic pistol 11 Box 43 Republican office do The originals can be pre Warns you day or night against bur glary Alarm rings ir pox is disturbed and cannot be shut off without opening no wires take it anywhere Something worth having wherever money or valu ables are kept our prices $6 to12 and worth it Business Announcements LL KINDS Hv poult i wanted The high est prirra paid Will send truck anywhere Small Chicopee alll Tel 3W SEWING Practically new All used machines bert makes $5 up CaMi or teims also repairing Griswolds Edwards Ptop 19 Besse Place River 5644 Charron? 236 Main St John Welch 510 North Main St Leonard Co 72 Main St Abraham Shankman 1171 North St Sorrel Co 128 Plainfield St BAND AND ORCHESTRA INSTRUMENTS trombones saxophones banjos violins and bows and cases good batgains on hand Edward Kinney 242 or 1 ng I on St Apt for Conn den St Drug Store Cor South and Harrison John Beauvais Inc Main and Cabot Streets Drug Store Ely and Centei AND ALCOHOL ADDICTS Comfortable hospital Private treatment Medical Director Marsnali Smith Granby Mass Tel 7 11 SWING Expert repairing all makes reasonable charges: guaranteed Wc call and deliver White Sewing Mach Co 31 Harrison Ave River 4549 DIAMOND CLUSTER RING Jn lovfr dressing room of Hotel Kimball Sat Aug 11 about 10 Reward no questions Return to Hotel Kimball Trillion Count Would Take 1000 Men 100 Years in Eight Hour Day New York Aug 12 The difficulty of comprehending or measuring bil lions and trillions is stressed by a writer in the Trade Record published by the National City bank apropos ot the latest figures on paper money cir culation tries Those lation of marks that of Austria at more than five trillion crowns and Poland at nearly three trillion Polish marks Soviet currency has passed four quad rillion paper rubles and Is no longer included in the statements of world currency AVhat a Billion Means experts a the article states "will count 4000 sil ver dollars in one hour but that is their limit Working eight hours a day an expert will count 1000000 sil ver dollars in 31 working days but that is only the beginning of the bil lion and if this same counter were to go on counting dollars nt this rate eight hours in every working day of the year he will require 100 years in which to count 1000000000 of them and when we remember that the tril lion 'is a thousand times as much as the billion we begin to get at least a dim comprehension cf the quantitative bigness of the in which the currencies of at least four countries are now being measured to count 1000000000 silver coins would require the continuous service of one man 100 years to count a tril lion coins would require the services' of 1000 men 100 Business and Office Equipment 21 WALL Oars stands exposure with LYING colors notice emphasized the worl nylng" mistake it for "fleeting these Wall Papers are absolutely fast colors ad sold at prices fully equal to those of cheaper grades ALBERT HALE CO Wholesale and Retail Wall Paper Varnishes and Paints 11 and 13 Stearns Sq River 3630 Springfield Mass care according to a Nancy news paper to succeed Viviani as delegate to the League of Nations His latest post wan minister of blockade and invaded regions YA SWAP? Many good ewaps have been made In this column by adver tisers Try It yourself sometime Singer style 27 4 golden oak A dition special this week $35 WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO 31 HARRISON AVE PRIVATE HOSPITAL for puinr cment castPhon River 2547 Lk3 cvtpi occupied bv George Warren ana fam ily PThe barn near the house vas saved NORTH ADA MS Apothecary Hall Inc Kimball Block Main SL like position as ladv willing to rite Box 22 LIBERTY STREET SECTION Rudden's Pharmacy 591 Liberty St Liberty Hights Pharmacy 809 Liberty SL Situations Wanted Men 12 Recent Accessions Briefly Described and Characterized By Members of Library Staff "The Declaration of by Carl Becker is a study of the political philosophy ot our national charter together with an analysis of the grievances stated in it against the British government A full account of the manner in which it was drawn tin and abroad together with demonstra tion of its literary qualities makes the book a valuable reference work for students of American history (Library No 32902 B39) Jerome Bonaparte The story of the marriage ot Eliz abeth Patterson of Baltimore to Jerome Bonaparte youngest brother of Napoleon I is fairly familiar to most people but of the history of their descendants less per haps is known 1 hey nad one Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte who born in England in 1S05 At death in 1870 he left two sons Jerome Napoleon and Charles Joseph Bonaparte The life and public ser vices of the latter are related in a volume which has recently appeared from the pen of Joseph Bucklin Bish op In Joseph one learns that this member of a fam ous family was educated at Harvard and was admitted to the bar in 1871 Me became very promiTient in civilservice circles and was active in nu merous reform movements He served under Roosevelt as secretary of the navy and latter as attorney general He died in June 1921 (Library No B61B) The Amrrkan Novel Novel of Tomorrow and the Scope of is a collection of 12 essays by as many American novel ists Samuel Hopkins Adnjns writ ing on censorship in vs Pollyanna" asks any genuinely artistic heart fail to thrill at the pros pect ot a brighter clearer purer world wherein all the books will be of the school of Harold Bell Wright or Gene Stratton Porter wherein Apol lyon and all his legions of darkness will flee before Pollyanna with her forces ot sweetness and light?" Zona Galo in "The Novel ot ays function ot the novel is to reflect the familiar aS permeated by The unfamiliar: to reflect the unknown its daily office of permeating the known" Moreover she believes in the terse the staccato the compact the shorn form nf th modern Ameri can novel (Library No SOS 3 686) Social Service 1 The war brought forward the neeil of a better understanding of the term service" which Arthur Holden defines in "The Settlement Idea a Vision of Social The author states the ideas of the found ers nf the movement and pictures the industrial community to which it min isters with the racial and religious problems involved Anyone who ts in terested in the subject will find in this book nn outline ot the different forms of settlement work its immediate de mands methods sources of support and the benefits derived in spite ot the many pitfalls (Library No 3611 H71) Plays In Wonder Plays" Tady Gregory has attained her usual suc cess in playwriting is a veritable fairy story with a plot working out through troubles and mysteries to a most happy end The second play Bellows a tale of a grouchy old man and his familv holds many a laugh for fun Jovers Tne jester" ueals with the utbvionexti woniier yet has lor US rearaciers very human types Al xrgeui Wonder Plays" ay ill thoroughly entertain as well as give to its readers a good example of Lady characteristic style (Li brary no G862t) Margaret Applegarth has aban doned the usual biographical style in "The Career ot a and has woven out of a conversation between i i nr i twodlinuus ini 'i IR Ugiiuui omhj life and work or William uarey of first missionaries to elia Vishnuswaml unfolds bit by tuo inrredtilous Chunder Singh of Carey's early life as a cobbler in England his influence In the founding of the American Baptist Missionary society and his life in In dia with all its hardships disappoint ments and sacrifices always met with tbe MJXL6 unselfish patience The tale Northfield Conference of Christian Workers Ends Most Successful Season in History Englishman Speaks rom Our Special Reporter East Northfield Aug 12 Total attendance for one of the biggest and most successful series of daily gath erings at Northfield conferences to day reached over 8000 At the morn ing and evening meetings at the 'au ditorium the great hall seating over 2500 was filled to its capacity dur ing addresses by Rev James Heid of Eastbourne Eng In the afternoon almost 2000 were present to bear the evangelist Melvin Trotter of Grand Rapids Mich and in the evening at 7 over 1000 attended the Round Top service at which Mr Trot ter again spoke Additional hundreds of children went to special meetings trt Sage chapel and Weston hall dur ing the morning service for their par ents in the auditorium Hundreds of machines carrying families who brought their lunches and stayed for ail the meetings of the day drove in from all sections of the adjoining countryside One ot the most rousing and en thusiastic morning sdng services at a Northfield conference since the days of Charles Alexander was held at 10 this morning at the under the direction of Homer Ham montree of Grand Rapids Mich The spirited singing of old and new gos pel hymns by over 2000 voices in spired practically everyone to partic ifate The Lotus male quartet of Boston sang several selections and Miss A Doctor sang a solo The morning and evening speaker the auditorium Mr Reid preached a sermon in which he urged all to make their tribulations and troubles the incentive of renewed spiritual WINDOW SHADES ot all Kinds tor the home or office made to order and remount ed ot estimates call Springfield Window Shade Co 122 Main St Tel Walnut 1539 3 ROOMS URNITURE tlW rent $13 mo No dealers: River 1S85 White St King Co 749 Sumner Ave Leonard Co 298 Belmont Ave Albert May 83 Belmont Ave Nagle 59 sumner Ave William Sunter cor Oakland Dickinson Sts The 'Pharmacy 554 Belmont Ave Connell 9 16 Worthington Village Aug 12 The by Joseph Billings was ground here today The fire is thought to have matches The house was 1 trouble today is materialism lit? dowiicu tyranny of things riches Pilgrim toward God in the Journey through life can take the dry and dreary places of life and make of them an inspiration Too many of us have great spiritual experiences which leave us "no better and become mere gaps in our normal life also living whose spiritual life ed at the grave of a dear one or because of a personal failure and they are now only derelicts the world is full of wrecks There are many physical wrecks the great war the worst of them hid so we do not see them Also there are the spiritual wrecks But it is when we get down into the valley of humiliation that the devil has had th best chance at us In our dark and difficult hours we must find the mes sage of God It must come as the re sult of our determination to search for it we must think deeply Many of us wish to go back from this con ference with a great blessing but it will come only if we gain the 2 face adversity and find in it a message from God of cheer" Last night at the final service for young people was at Sage chapel by Homer Hammontree The voting people employed on tn conference grounds during the sum mer also had their ajtnual stunt nightat the Dwight Moody birthplace which was attractively decorated with Japanese lanterns Tomorrow morning most of the loVU or more persons who have been pres ent at the General Conference of Christian Workers leave for their homes Some however will stay ox for the Massachusetts Institute of Christian Endeavor Workers xxHxcH opens Monday night for a meeting here the final con erence of the season Others will attend tne dailv Bible studies open to the Pubhc being conducted every morning at 9 0 at the Northfield hotel by Rev Et Harrison of Mount Septem studies xvill continue until Septem ber 8 lebruntoreplace VIVIANI WITH LEAGUE aris Aug Senator Albert Le brun has been asked by Premier Pom Alleged Kidnaper Killed by Draft Dodger bwiss AJth ers Americans Sovereignty Violated By the Associated Press Eberbach Ger Aug 12 The man trh was shot and killed yesterday by Grover Cleveland Bergdoll American draft evader has been identified as a Swiss named Karl Schmidt of Lnu faanne and the man wounded is sailto be Roger Sperber an American resident ot Paris Lieut Griffis said to be an Ameri can aust Gagarin a Russian and Eugene Nelson supposed' to be an American who were seated In an au tomobile outside the hotel in one of the rooms of which Bergdoll used hs automatic pistol to himself front being kidnaped are under arrest here Bergdoll several days ago returned to Eberbach from Switzerland to meet his mother who had arrived from the United States He again took tip his residence at the local ho tel where he had been living during the past three years until he went to Switzerland Say Iong Planned Tho local authorities assert that Bergdoll had been watched closely for several days by strangers living his hotel They expressed the belief that a plot to kidnap the man who Is wanted by the United States govern ment had been carefully planned nnd financed Rope ladders blackjacks and a supply' of opiates aye said tohave been found in the possession cf the men under arrest The automo bile in which it is believed Bergdoll to have been taken off 13 described ns a former American army car Local feeling is running high against the men under arrest Berg doll continues to be popular xvlth the natives The populace is declared to be doubly resentful over the alleged renewed attempt to kidnap Beigdoll as the first attempt made two years ago and in which a German woman xvas wounded by a man alleged to be an American detective 13 still fresh In their memory lorists and Nurserymen CUT loras design? pot'ed plants See ad sec 31 Wenk's Gardens line per line per day for 1 DAYS Contract rates upon request Count 6 words to a line 14c lines to an Inch Minimum Book Charge 50c Minimum Space 2 lines a a mav Rtart In eitner ine dc publican or Daily News Sunday rates tne same as The Republican and Daily News Com bined Closing time for The Republican la 9 for The Dally News 9 Not Allowed USE TH ASK OR A WANT AD TAKER Or leave at our downtown office 377 Main StreeL CALL RIVER 3150 Wanted at Gilboa Union Job One Dollar per hour fare furnished Apply Hugh Nawn Contracting Company 82 Savin St Roxbury Mass or at inb Gilboa NY WANTED Messenger boy over school age chance for advancement permanent posi tion Call at 274 Main St The Paltrier Steel Co Inc YOUNG MAN WANTED for optical shop some experience in surface grinding The Harvey Lewis Co 331 Main St 2 MEN wanted to work on doors Hampden Lumber Co 850 State St Situations Women 13 Position wanted by a com petent reliable accountant experienced in manufacturing costs office management and business correspondence References Address Accountant Box 532 Republican Office EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER and Ac countant wants part time work from sev eral small concerns Systems established Rooks and accounts kept up to date Bth Box 1312 Wai WANT ADS Al phabetically ARANED OR EASY READING A The Republican and Daily News AT ONE Lowest Rates WANTED A mature woman of pleasing personality and good education to assist in an interesting educational sales cam paign Must own or be able to drive an automobile Box 64 Republican Office YOUNG WOIAN of refined appearance to assist In nursing Apply In person only to Dr Sanatorium Thompson Conn I WILL not be responsible for any bills con tracted by anyone Bailey 408 Bridge St INORMATION WANTED of Miss Woud beck sister to Mrs Anna Louise Brace nee Woodbeck communicate Richard Brace 598 Communipaw Ave Jersey City BRAND NEW RUGS made from your old carpets at very small cost Spfld E'ono niv Rug Co 17 St River 743 INVENTORS like Wesson Duryea Powers Deane etc made Industries with its human characters and gen nine local color will interest many readers (Library No C189A) In on oreign How ard Kidd not only discusses the more general phases of his subject such as the balanie of trade theory and the relation of surplus producr tion to foreign trade but also ex plains its more practical side as how to prepare foreign shipments tha meaning of shipping terms the financ ing ot foreign trade the development of markets etc A chapter is de voted to the relation between the gov ernment and foreign commerce and another to private organizations for promoting foreign trade The author believes that betxveen the two United Sthtes is assured the tech nical equipment and the technical in formation xvhich will lead to a sound expansion of permanent trade con nections (Library No 382 'JC53) Trend of by William Wallace presents the origins and background of present day social phenomena The author traces the factors and agencies xvhich have de termined the course ot events in Eu rope and America from the time of the Reformation till today By Re senting the events which are oloselj related to our own times and snow ing the relationship that exists be tween the past and the present he clarifies and co ord2fiates the reader historical knowledge (Library No 3078 Wi5) Interesting descriptions of Christi ania StocklKilm Copenhagen St I tersburg am other Scandinavian pities are given in "Capitals of the by Ian Hammond Abrief history of each city is included gether xvlth many myths and St the Norsem*n which "7 xvelcome to those fond of the Scan dinavlan sagas (Library bo G4S 1119) burned at GREENWICH VILLAGE Greemvich house owned burned to the cause of the Koon rata and Merchandise at the Stores 30 JANITOR experienced "ill take apt blocks and office cleaning and general repairing Call River 5234 MASTER MECHANIC OR CHIE ENG With a Ist class license fully competent to take full charge of factory maintenance best of references Address Pox 21 Republican office PITION as organist by experienced man References River 1 ertilizers Seeds Plants Ete 31 RESH CUT ZINNIAS begonias and ferns tambler rose bushes fall planting Sept 1 Greenhouse 49 Greene St GERANIUMS and all kinds of cut flowers Celery transplanted plants Wenl Gar den 128 Hanco*ck St Walnut 4724 Radio Sets and Equipment 25 14 I RACK LIGHTNING Reg $3 now $2 Barney Radio Co 33 New Dwight St (Just off State) River 1207 Agents Wanted 11 Sell Shoes actory to fastest selling line today Can double your income write for this Inde pendent opportunity Style Arch Shoe company 410 Butler Bldg Cincinnati Ohio CHEWING GO Agents sell direct from our factory to storekeepers Double your income7 Spearmint and other attractive packages Write today Helmet Gum ac tory Cincinnati Clothing and ootwear 29 CLOTHING on al cash prices men and women: terms $1 weekly 30 60 90 days if wanted good discounts Hoaifl Outfitting Co 469 Main St Walnut 11 GUARANTEED silk stockings fl lisle stockings 3 for 1 The Hos Icry Shop over Public Market GERMANS AROUSED I famous rench Ace Weds' 1 AT RRCOmI PLOT! American Girl in AM A A A A SALESMAN Must be live wire with good recommendations Must be willing to work Wonderful opportunity aS side line Box 69 New Bedford Mass Aggressive young man must be experienced specialty salesman and thoroughly acquainted with retail grocery trade in Western Massachusetts Excel lent opportunity for right man Address giving experience Box 48 Rep Office HE NEWELL EMP SERV An elec ex per male stnog down town $20 ex pert typist 138 Dwight St 7 WO COLORED BELL BOYS wanted Ap ply Manager Hotel Richmond No Adams CABINET and records value $130 for ord car Box 30 Republican Office Cl ASSY ROADSTER or piano player building lot touring car Box 42 Repub lican office DIAMOND RING Platinum Tiffany Set i4 will swap for good used Roadster of equal value Box 93 Republican Office AUTO MIRRORS special 50c auto cush ions $1 luggage carriers $169 The Alhng Rubber Co 261 Main St Rlv 95 BATHING SUITS for men women and chil dren 2a off regular price 572 Bridge St IREPROO SEL A A RM ING CASH ADVERTISING SOLICITOR part time to represent leading trade paper in Spring field and vicinity Address Advertising Manager 2154 21st Philadelphia Pa BRICKLAYERS wanted long job $11 per day Call at y2 Lincoln St CHAUEUR Middle aged American One willing to work around place and capable of repairing own car State wages age and references Box 37 Republican Office An intel llgent person? either sex may earn $100 to $200 monthly corresponding for newspapers $15 to $25 weekly in spare time experience unneces sary no canvassing subjects suggested Send for particulars National Press Bu $4V) KohleV Campbell $163 $700 player $475 $1250 Grand $840 other bargains? George Sharp Co 121 State SQUARE PIANO in good condition Pricere a son able 54 Phoenix St SUMMER Specially reduced prices to clear our large stock of Pianos and Players taken in trade for new ones Your own terms Pianos $50 uja Plajeis $83 up Gibbs I'lano Co 185 Dwight Si Riv 551 KINDLING WOOD Get yours early can make nromnt delivery now when everyone orders it may come slow Remember the delay last winter and place your order now West Div The New England Box Co 121 Lowell St West Springfield Tel River 3386 WOOD all kinds $11 a cord and River WOOD OR SALE Any amount all kinds lowest prices in city Slater 599 Union St River 11 Yi AUTO DRIVING and repairing on late model ears couises $19 up: license posi tion Spfld Auto School 98 Dwight St DRIVING repair instruction Laporte Auto School 94 Broadway ree booklet SET TRAP Good condition used very little No reasonable offer re fused Box 458 Republican Office UKULELES AND HAWAHA tJP: just the tnmg tor your vacation Lessons at our studio Muuic House Cor State and Main Sts upstairs open evenings Local and Private Instructors 15 SPRINGIELD CONSERVATORY of Music In All branches and theory all grades New York teachers 5t Byers St Riv 3708 condition can be seen at 134 Main St corner Jmery St Tel Walnut 823 or Walnut 4880 DI 2 used fnin flat tops 1 COin roll top 1 double flat top 60x48in 8 office chairs with cushions Springfield Office Supply Co 71 73 Worthington St MEAT RERIGERATOR 8x10x10 one 5 drawer cash register 1c to $399 99 five wall cases suitable for any business 524 High St Holyoke Tel 1067 NATIONAL CASH New and second hand supplies and repair CoIIgan Sales Agent 37 Worthington St SAE Medium size in good condition cheap Tel River 2020 STANDARD COMPUTING (The Best) Meat grinders coffee mills meat cases coolers etc I Polhemus 18 East Court St Walnut 2002 TYPEWRITERS (all makes) sold rented and repaired rent $230 month $6 three 'months Lowest prices for multigraph Ing Room 628 Myrick Bldg 29 Worthington St River 3483 TYPEWRITERS CORONA AGENCY i BOUGHT Springfield Typewriter Exchange Inc River 4851 315 Bridge 8t STORE Iceboxes show cases blocks supplies res fixtures Schorer Store ixture Co 205 Chestnut 4740 I EAVER NECKPIECE Gray lined lost re ward 8226 or 3609 GOLD WRIST WATCH Be tween lorentine Gardens and Chase Ave Saturday afternoon reward Return to 133 Pleasant Ave or call Wai 2335 I OST Male Collie puppy inder return to 34 Ave reward River 331 ring 1 WATCH LOST White gold with monogram on back River 87 Rewaid Watches DiamontWi Jewelry A good watch to be kept good must be cleaned and oiled once a year Come to 288 Main St Rm 208 Bowles Bldg 5302 A Cunliffe (R Insp) WATCHMAKER ENGRAVER JEWELER Watchea clocks and jewelry repaired Watches diamonds jewelry for sale Grimes Bookstore Bldg 389 Main Bt WEDDING Plain or chased green or white gold 34kt and up Chase jewele 562 Main St Miscellaneous or Sale ASH sheet steel cans $1 each free delivery Edw Phelan 162 Eastern Ave cor Pendleton Ave 1697 CINDERS sand and loam also trucking Wai 1435 LIVE ishing tackle Good bargain in poles lines Specialties for bass dan 12 Stebbins St River 1927 POOL TABLE for sale personally used rea sonable 27 Talcott Ave 33 We buy and sell second hand books Bargain Bookstore 77 Market St Main Street entrance through Bookstore CLOTHING Men's used best prices Call promptly anywhere 373 Central 8L 5216 20 CORDS of wood wanted Locke 127 Austin place Chicopee DIAMONDS wanted top prices paid in cHsh Diamonds exchanged red Kalman 144 Main (next to Rood 1 DINING ROOM living room and kltehen furniture wanted in sets or odd pieces Howard urniture Co River 4189 EXCHANGE YOUR OLD URNITURE for new a liberal allowance will be made River 7854 URNITURE We pay hignest cash pike in the city for used household office and antique furniture It pays to call Dwight urniture Co 157 State St Walnut 1240 WILL PAY GOOD PRICES for household office antique Hampden urniture Co 593 Main St Wal 1266 URNITURE Household ano office furni ture antiques feather beds best prices paid New urniture Co 533 5 Main St Walnut 1314 Largest in West ern Massachusetts I PAY CASH for rags papers etc Will send for family trade William 129 Cedar street River 2847 OICE URNITURE We will pay highest cash prices for all kinds of office furniture Second hand urniture Store 47 53 Main St cor Pattoi 2173 OLD mailed berore 1870 are wanted lor the stamps and postmarks Atherton 318 Main St Room Mil PAPER Also rubber and scrap met als isher Kurnitzky 68 79 Liberty St PAPER STOCK in bundles Wil) pay 10c more per hundred than anyone else Bend card to Box or Tel 416S TOOLS and tools Deane Jr 180 Dwight WE PAY GASH OR DIAMONDS PLATI NUM AND GOLD 303 MAIN ST HALL RACK Gas range Congoleum rugs pictures bicycle 55 Dexter St River 7447 MATTRESSES made over as good as new We call for and deliver Stnndard Mat tress Co 56 Harrison Ave Walnut 5288 MAHOGANY CHAMBER SET of 5 pieces brass bed springs and mattress Mahog any parlor suite of 5 pieces 2 tables 25 pictures 1 rug cut glass water pitcher and glasses 35 Lenox St upper bell BOILER 9 hp vertical boiler and 3l feet of heavy Iron emnke stack City Dye Works Tel Walnut 5660 LIGHTNING PROTECTION The most efficient Lightning Conductor on the market Solid copper through out JOHN MEIGHAN Box 233 T1 White Plains P( TATO DIGGERS Buy now Bacon Tap lin Co 59 Hillman St Springfield RUNNING ON THE DEAD LEVEL is tak ing chances with the future Raise cus tomers and prospects through Printed Adv THE LOTHROP PRESS 288 Main Pt MIRRORS manufactured resilvered glass for windshields etc Glass and Mirror Works 20 Congress St 8050 RUGS at less than half former prices Call write or 126 3 Garside mill agent 176 Pearl St Thompsonville Ct RUGS OR New all kinds factory prices Douville 882 Chicopee St 1 11 1 a 1 1 Tel Holyoke SEWING MACHINES ree Cabinet almost new regular price $G9 this week onlv $33 WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO 31 HARRISON AVE SEWING Singer 66 1 improved all attachments first class condition Regular price $94 this week $40 WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO 31 HARRISON AVE 6 ACCOMMODATIONS for six to any beaches day or night Landry 8525 AUTO OR HIRE Pleasure driving or tripe anywhere lady driver BUSCA IL HOM EEst 18W 235 Pine SV Srrlnefield Tel Efficient nurses pleasant surroundings mod rate MAPLE BAN ATORJUM Hume invalids and elderly people 1656 Longmeadow Et Longmeadow Tel walnut 2695 MIDDAY Summer Lunches Appetizing home cooked food served In a cool place Hampden County Women's Ex 33 Harrl son Ave PRIVATE HOSPITAL for confinement cases Strictly confidential Box 14 Ren Office RIVATE HOSPITAL for confinement cases Strictly confidential Box 353 Rep Office 7 PASS Pierce Arrow touring car for long or short trips Special party rates to beaches and other points Tel Wal 4837 or BOX SPRING eather beds and pillows made and remade Highland Bedding Co 10 Hayden St Walnut 370 ELECTRIC VACUUN? CLEAN Western Electric or Sweeper Vac also used clean ers free trial easy terms cleaners rent cd and repaired Alderson 40 Arch St Walnut 1315 URNITURE All kinds of second hand fur niture Attractive prices Sec ond Hand urniture Store 47 53Main St cor Patton Walnut 218 URNITURE BOUGHT AND SOLD uphol siered and repaired Brightwood urni ture 273 Main St River 2611 URNITURE huilti repaired and uphoi steied Stratton Co 27 Marl borough St Call and deliver Rlv 3530 GAS RANGES and gas plates used but in perfect order Dow 13 Lyman St OREST PARK New 2 famjjy houses good houses prices $9590 and up with small amount down will swap for good lots Moreau 894 Belmont Ave Walnut 27u5 ORD TRACTOR One year old in fine shape wish to swap for hay of equal value Box 91 Republican Office GAS STATION Selling oil accessories candy cigars etc on state road to Hart ford Conn wish to sell or would swap for similar place nearer Springfield or Hartford Write to Box 67 Republican Office GAS RANGE or cuaJ range used ones taken as payment on new ranges all sizes Met ropolitan urniture Co 538 Main St HaYNES TOURING Driven very little" used privately Will swap or sell terms Healy Walnut 3029 MAHOGANY SQUARE What nave you got? 54 Phoenix St MEAT AND GROCERY Business 15 years established little competition will hear strict investigation wish to swap for a farm of 35 acres tillable at least within 10 milesof Springfield Communicate with Box 63 Republican Office MOTOR TRUCKS and engines rebuilt popu lar sizes will swap for farms horses or cows of equal value 65 Lyman St PIANO Will exchange beautiful miniature grand piano for shingling house Box 47 I lean Office ST A TO I 1 9 1 7 will swap for light roadster or ord coupe Box 38 Republican Office WHITE GOLI) watches tor old watches or jewelry Grimes Bookstore Bldg WILL swap 3 ton truck for touring car 183 Western Ave West Springfield WILL SWAP Motion Picture Machine com plete used very little cost $606 for late model Touring Car or Roadster Walnut ROOM MODERN COTTAGE on line East Longmeadow WILL SWAP for good building lot or auto Arthur Rowley Co 318 Main St Walnut 5478 DISTRIBUTING or the State of Massachusetts for a new patented device sells on demonstra tion every ord owner a prospect Com mission basis affording opportunity for large profits Agency open to respon sible experienced man with selling abil ity and wide acquaintance in this ter ritory Write giving full particulars and If sat isfactory our representative will call on you EXLO MG DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 19 WEST 44TH STREET NEW YORK CITY DROP ORGERS WANTED Good pay No labor trouble Apply Henry Cheney Ham mer Corp Little alls DRIVERS WANTED (5) at once for horse dump carts rost Trucking Co West Spfld i IREMAN WANTED irst or second class fireman at the Northampton State hos pital Apply in person to Sinclair Chief Engineer Northampton Mass MEN WANTED 6 men on tobacco planta tion Joseph Norton Broad Brook Ct ONE OR TWO OUTSlDfZ Onse or two oueside men and dye house and finishing room help wanted No experience neces sary Good wages Somersville Mfg Co Somersville Connecticut REAT ESTATE SALESMAN who is de sirous of connecting with an estb realty concern where your future will be unlim ited all leads furnished by office Must have automobile and be self supporting Box 6S Republican Office REPRESENTATIVE Roofing manufacturer with old established business in Hanwden Hampshire and ranklin counties desires voung representative betxveen 25 and 35 years of age Those answering must give age previous employment rec ord salary expected and any other details having a direct or indirect bearing Previous experience in roofing business is not ncessarv All answers treated confi dentially address and telenhone number Box 39 Republican Office ARTIICIAL Wall board for In terior finishing clean ligbLand conven ient to handle easy to apply The Burden Bryant Co 1(19 111 Lyman St ASPHALT SHINGLES and roll rooting IheBui den Bryant Co 169 111 Lyman St BRICK lumber doors and windows of every description at low prices Springfield Wrecking Co 62 Osgood St 999 BUILDINGS wrecked Building malerial every description for sale Bricks doora and windows etc low prices Mass Wrecking Co 161 Lyman St Wal nu 3670 35 OR SALE 4 thoroughbred Boston terrier puppies Tel Wal 1892 HOMES WANTED for homeless dogs and cats Blue Cross Community Relief Tale phone River 1137 VETERINARIAN Diseases of dogs and cats given special attention Dr Dow ling 294 Dwight St Ext BOOKKEEPER and City Dye Works Wal 5660 ENVELOPE HAND OLDERS Steady work for 2 experienced hand fold ers Old Colony Envelope Co 94 North Elm St Westfield Mass GIRL or general housework no cooking good home for right girl River 6909 NURSES WANTED Women nurses at the Northampton State hospital salary $600 to $780 Apply to Superintendent "of urses Northampton Mass 1HE NEWELL EMP SERV irst class bookkeeper down town experienced sten ographer 138 Dwight St WAITRESSES (experienced) wanted Sea son to November 1 Apply to Red Lion Inn Stockbridge Mass WAITRESSES Kitcnen Workers and Laundresses Intel 1 1 gence Bureau 161 Main St River 8422 I COfdNA BE 6POP NOW EVER POPyS KP A STRAIGHT ace pow't iauGH anp see' if THEY KNOW OS Thousands of People Use This Page Daily MU Charge I 2 ASM 1 CM Rm llfTWHMrrM rwa VfcKif fl Lil 1 Sa I ig iw 's i HsBl 1 A i2c I 1 i 1 1 21 I a i 'v 5 i I I 1 i 4 A Connor Lawyer 25 Harrison Ave (Eaapleyment i.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Views: 5941

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.