The best movies like Les mystères de l'arche de Noé (2024) | Film Simili (2024)


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Apr 20, 2024






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Movies like Les mystères de l'arche de Noé

Journey Through the Holy Land

The holy bible comes alive before your very eyes in this deeply moving video! You’ll follow in the footsteps of Jesus the Messiah and see all the sacred places where he lived, preached, performed miracles and was crucified – from the East Gate, where he first entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday…to the actual site of His Ascension! Through breathtaking footage and fascinating narrative filled with scriptural references and documented historical facts, you’ll experience the majesty of the Holy City like never before!

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Journey Through the Holy Land


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For the Bible Tells Me So

An exploration of the intersection between religion and hom*osexuality in the U.S. and how the religious right has used its interpretation of the Bible to stigmatize the gay community.

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For the Bible Tells Me So


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Into Great Silence

An intimate portrayal of the everyday lives of Carthusian monks of the Grande Chartreuse, high in the French Alps (Chartreuse Mountains). The idea for the film was proposed to the monks in 1984, but the Carthusians said they wanted time to think about it. The Carthusians finally contacted Gröning 16 years later to say they were now willing to permit Gröning to shoot the movie, if he was still interested.

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Into Great Silence


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American Gospel: Christ Alone

American Gospel explores the core question of Christianity, 'What is the gospel?' Through the distorting lens of American culture.

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American Gospel: Christ Alone


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This documentary from Albert and David Maysles follows the bitter rivalry of four door-to-door salesmen working for the Mid-American Bible Company: Paul "The Badger" Brennan, Charles "The Gipper" McDevitt, James "The Rabbit" Baker and Raymond "The Bull" Martos. Times are tough for this hard-living quartet, who spend their days traveling through small-town America, trying their best to peddle gold-leaf Bibles to an apathetic crowd of lower-middle-class housewives and elderly couples.

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The Photo-Drama of Creation

The film presents the Bible's account of God's plan from the creation of the earth through to the end of the 1,000 year reign of Christ.

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The Photo-Drama of Creation


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Genesis: Paradise Lost

If there is one part of the Bible that has undergone more scrutiny and abuse than any other, it is the very beginning—GENESIS! So what exactly happened at the "Creation," at the "Beginning?"

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Genesis: Paradise Lost


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Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood

In this fascinating sequel to "Is Genesis History?", watch a team of scientists discover new evidence for the global Flood. By the time the journey is over, you'll understand exactly how modern science connects to the book of Genesis.

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Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood


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The silent cinema had already created colossal movies based on ancient civilizations, but it is in the 1950s when peplums reach their apogee in Hollywood. Then, peplums take root at Cinecittà studios, in Rome, where cheap cinema is produced with bodybuilders as heroes. The genre decays in the late 1960s, but rises again decades later, when a modern classic is released in 2000.

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Corpus Christi: Playing with Redemption

Terrence McNally’s Corpus Christi is a play retelling the Jesus story, with Jesus as a gay man living in the 1950s in Corpus Christi, Texas. This documentary follows the troupe, playwright, and audience around the world on a five-year journey of Terrence McNally’s passion play, where voices of protest and support collide on one of the central issues facing the LGBT community: religion.

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Corpus Christi: Playing with Redemption


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SATAN'S GUIDE TO THE BIBLE is an animated documentary. Join Satan as he shares Bible secrets, secrets the students' pastor learned at Christian seminary but is afraid to share. Thankfully, Satan's not afraid of losing his job. Satan has amassed an impressive list of biblical scholars ready to reveal the "standard stuff" taught in Christian seminaries: Bart Ehrman (UNC Chapel Hill), John J. Collins (Yale), Dale Allison (Princeton Seminary), Susan Niditch (Amherst), Ron Hendel (UC Berkeley), and Hector Avalos (Iowa State). This is established seminary curriculum about biblical history, biblical morals, authorship claims, and early Christianity — a curriculum never shared with the congregation. Darkly comedic, but thoroughly researched, SATAN'S GUIDE TO THE BIBLE is a fascinating journey into the secrets of the world's best-selling book.

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Louis Theroux: Surviving America’s Most Hated Family

Louis returns to visit the Westboro Baptist Church in the wake of the death of its leader.

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Louis Theroux: Surviving America’s Most Hated Family


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The Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls

Even as scientists work diligently to authenticate the Dead Sea Scrolls, a historical and momentous find for archaeologists, questions surface about their true origin. Who wrote them? Did they truly know Jesus? And what do the scrolls mean for modern-day Christianity? This riveting documentary aims to find the answers to these and many other questions and shares new information about this important archaeological artifact.

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The Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls


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True Legends - Episode 3: Holocaust of Giants

In this explosive episode, Steve Quayle, Timothy Alberino, and Tom Horn pick up the trail of the Anasazi Indians in the Desert Southwest of the United States. Their groundbreaking investigation reveals a dark and gruesome secret concerning the sudden annihilation of this mysterious tribe, and a cover-up of gigantic proportions. What they discover will demand the re-writing of American history! Join Timothy Alberino as he explores the enigmatic island of Sardinia in the Western Mediterranean Sea where the skeletal remains of giants are still being extracted from the tens of thousands of megalithic towers and tombs all over the island, and hear the jaw-dropping testimony of those who were hired by the government to dig them out. Discover why Sardinia was ground-zero for the man-eating Canaanite giants that ravished the Promised Land before their expulsion by “Joshua the Robber”.

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True Legends - Episode 3: Holocaust of Giants


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Ark of the Covenant: The Bible’s Origins

In Israel, a joint French-Israeli scientific mission is set to unearth the secrets of the hill of Kiryath-Jearim (or Kiryat Ya’arim), converted to the site of a Catholic convent, where, according to the Bible, the Ark of the Covenant was kept for at least twenty years before being brought to Jerusalem by King David, father of King Solomon, who would eventually build the Holy of Holies inside the First Temple to house it.

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Ark of the Covenant: The Bible’s Origins


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Is Genesis History?

Is Genesis History? is a fascinating new look at the biblical, historical, and scientific evidence for Creation and the Flood. Learn from more than a dozen scientists and scholars as they explore the world around us in light of Genesis. Dr. Del Tackett, creator of "The Truth Project," hikes through canyons, climbs up mountains, and dives below the sea in an exploration of two competing views... one compelling truth.

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Is Genesis History?


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Louis Theroux: The Most Hated Family in America

Louis meets the Phelps family — the people at the heart of the controversial Westboro Baptist Church. The Phelps have rabid anti-hom*osexual beliefs, and often campaign at the funerals of American soldiers. They believe that every tragedy in the world is God's punishment for hom*osexuality.

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Louis Theroux: The Most Hated Family in America


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Marching to Zion

Documentary tracing the history of the Jewish people from the destruction of the temple in AD 70 to the modern-day nation of Israel. Through scriptural and historical evidence, DNA, mathematics, and testimony from rabbis and pastors, it attempts to answer the question, "Who are God's chosen people?".

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Marching to Zion


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YouthMin: A Mockumentary

"YouthMin" is a mockumentary following an attention seeking youth pastor and his small group of Christian teens at Bible camp.

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YouthMin: A Mockumentary


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Eliyahu Rips: The Burning

In April 1969 Ilya (Eliyahu) Rips, then a young student of mathematics, tried to burn himself in a public square in Riga, Latvia protesting against the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia. He was stopped and eventually sent to a psychiatric hospital for two years. Thanks to international pressure from the mathematical community in 1972 he was allowed to emigrate to Israel. Now he is considered one of the most brilliant mathematicians in the world. At the same time, for most people familiar with his name, Rips is first of all associated with the development of the so called Bible Code – a mathematical program allegedly helping to decipher hidden messages encoded in Torah – the Five Books of Moses. He is attacked by both the scientific and religious community, yet his research continues.

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Eliyahu Rips: The Burning


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Youth Suicide Fantasy

Based on their book, “Why Knock Rock?”, and their church lectures, Dan and Steve Peters examines how rock music's obsession with sex, drugs and suicide is dangerous to young people. Since the dawn of Rock and Roll, there has been ministers howling about its evil affects. Ministers would tour the country's churches and college campuses with sermons and slide shows illustrating the Devil's influence on the rock music. In this film we certainly see that rock stars aren't the best role models for kids and teens, but the Peters brothers often miss the musician's point – especially with some of the lyrics. Dan and Steve do however seem to take a delight in presenting some of the 1980s more perverse album covers to young people.

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Youth Suicide Fantasy


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God Code

Behind locked doors in St. Petersburg, Russia is the Leningrad Codex, the world's oldest complete text of the Hebrew Bible. Because of its ancient origins, it is a purer version of the Bible--containing words and characters lost in later translations. Timothy Smith, an antiquities expert, believes he's found an intricate code hidden within its text, one that may not show up in later translations. This two-hour special takes viewers on a journey across the globe to find out if the hidden code is real. If it is, could this be the actual word of God? A code written into his own divine work. A master plan for history? The code is said to point to a diverse variety of historical events from the rise of Hitler to the threat of North Korea and it may even point to the location of one of the greatest treasures of all, the lost Arc of the Covenant.

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God Code


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The Most Dangerous Man in Tudor England

Melvyn Bragg explores the dramatic story of William Tyndale and his mission to translate the Bible into English, which made him a threat to the authority of the church and state.

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The Most Dangerous Man in Tudor England


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Jésus a-t-il vraiment eu des enfants ?

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Jésus a-t-il vraiment eu des enfants ?


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Secrets of Christ's Tomb

We follow leading experts on a quest to unlock the mysteries surrounding the tomb of Christ, using the latest scientific techniques to restore the Aedicula housing the tomb.

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Secrets of Christ's Tomb


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The Essential Church

When governments use Covid emergency act edicts to restrict the gathering and worship of the Church, three pastors facing the risk of imprisonment, unlimited fines, and their own Churches splitting apart take a courageous stand and re-open in the face of a world that has chosen to comply.

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The Essential Church


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Herod's Lost Tomb

National Geographic follows archaeologist Ehud Natzer in his discovery of the tomb of Herod the Great.

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Herod's Lost Tomb


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Testament: The Parables Retold

Luke hides from the dreaded Temple Guard with the early disciples hoping to further his research into his report on Jesus, but he gets more than he bargained for when he begins to hear the great storyteller's own stories; the parables.

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Testament: The Parables Retold


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The Tree of Life

The impressionistic story of a Texas family in the 1950s. The film follows the life journey of the eldest son, Jack, through the innocence of childhood to his disillusioned adult years as he tries to reconcile a complicated relationship with his father. Jack finds himself a lost soul in the modern world, seeking answers to the origins and meaning of life while questioning the existence of faith.

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The Tree of Life


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An awkward, telekinetic teenage girl's lonely life is dominated by relentless bullying at school and an oppressive religious fanatic mother at home. When her tormentors pull a humiliating prank at the senior prom, she unleashes a horrifying chaos on everyone, leaving nothing but destruction in her wake.

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The Ten Commandments

Escaping death, a Hebrew infant is raised in a royal household to become a prince. Upon discovery of his true heritage, Moses embarks on a personal quest to reclaim his destiny as the leader and liberator of the Hebrew people.

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The Ten Commandments


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Malcolm X

A tribute to the controversial black activist and leader of the struggle for black liberation. He hit bottom during his imprisonment in the '50s, he became a Black Muslim and then a leader in the Nation of Islam. His assassination in 1965 left a legacy of self-determination and racial pride.

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Malcolm X


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The Others

Grace is a religious woman who lives in an old house kept dark because her two children, Anne and Nicholas, have a rare sensitivity to light. When the family begins to suspect the house is haunted, Grace fights to protect her children at any cost in the face of strange events and disturbing visions.

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The Others


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The Reaping

Katherine Morrissey, a former Christian missionary, lost her faith after the tragic deaths of her family. Now she applies her expertise to debunking religious phenomena. When a series of biblical plagues overrun a small town, Katherine arrives to prove that a supernatural force is not behind the occurrences, but soon finds that science cannot explain what is happening. Instead, she must regain her faith to combat the evil that waits in a Louisiana swamp.

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The Reaping


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The Devil's Advocate

Aspiring Florida defense lawyer Kevin Lomax accepts a job at a New York law firm. With the stakes getting higher every case, Kevin quickly learns that his boss has something far more evil planned.

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The Devil's Advocate


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The Truth About the Imaginary Passion of an Unknown

A very personal interpretation, to say the least, of the passion of the Christ According to St. John.

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The Truth About the Imaginary Passion of an Unknown


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End of Days

On 28 December 1999, the citizens of New York City are getting ready for the turn of the millennium. However, Satan decides to crash the party by coming to the city and searching for his chosen bride — a 20-year-old woman named Christine York. The world will end, and the only hope lies within an atheist named Jericho Cane.

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End of Days


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Homicide detective John Hobbes witnesses the execution of serial killer Edgar Reese. Soon after the execution the killings start again, and they are very similar to Reese's style.

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Man on Fire

Jaded ex-CIA operative John Creasy reluctantly accepts a job as the bodyguard for a 10-year-old girl in Mexico City. They clash at first, but eventually bond, and when she's kidnapped he's consumed by fury and will stop at nothing to save her life.

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Man on Fire


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.